First Road Trip, in which I actually drove!

Oct 08, 2006 07:16

Drove across the country with wukemon from Virginia to California (we stopped by Chicago, IL and Denver, CO). The most exciting part of the trip was the drive between Denver, CO and Tustin, CA. Colorado, Utah and Arizona were unbelievable! Some of the roads were so steep it's crazy to think that people considered building roads in such mountainous areas. I wouldn't be surprised if many people have died building the roads as well as driving through these roads. Seeing the monstrous rock formations made the driving experience both exciting and life threatening. When we were driving through Utah, we nearly ran out of gas. I was so scared that we were going to be stuck in the middle of nowhere. Fortunately, even the Mormons' God loves gay people and he saved us from strife - we reached a gas station right before we ran out of gas. However, I was punished right before we left the Utah border - I received a ticket for driving 91 on a 75 ($157!). I didn't think I was going to get away with the ticket because half of the police department's salaries are funded by these traffic violations. I just hope those Mormon SOBs die from a heart attack with the food they buy from the money, acquired through my speeding ticket! (I actually just sent my payment for the speeding ticket and I was kind of upset that the justice department didn't have an online payment option or didn't even accept a credit card payment over the phone - Utah is so antiquated, it shouldn't even be part of America!) Perhaps I did deserve it, I wasn't being smart and I could have seriously got in a car crash. The last thing I wanted to do was call Kevin's parents and tell them he is no longer living because I was driving irresponsibly.

When we drove across Nebraska, I was shocked to see civilization. I really thought Nebraska was nothing but fields. I told Kevin that it's so self-centered of us to think that the East Coast and West Coast are the only civilized places in the U.S. James, one of GQ's friends, was insistent that California and New York were the only civilized states in America. He even thought Virginia was part of the midwest! Though I can't blame him for his ignorance cause I myself thought that Oregon was uncivilized as Iowa due to the popular game, Oregon trail. However, my brother's girlfriend convinced me that Oregon is a pretty exciting, animated and civilized state.

Met up with GQ in California - it was definitely nice to see a change in him. I have always enjoyed hearing his philosophical point of view in life. He said something really profound (although everything that comes out of his mouth is just so profound - well at least to me) when we were talking about piano - he said that you have to be honest with yourself and your teacher and you have to let the teacher break down your ego - only then can you improve immensely. I know this information is hackneyed but it's so meaningful when it comes from such a sophisticated person and who seem to be flawless in the piano.
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