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Dec 15, 2007 01:17

Character: Rufus Shinra
Series: Final Fantasy VII
Character Age: 23, as of Advent Children
Job: Necessary Face Of Corporate Evil
Canon: Final Fantasy VII was the bestselling classic that had, upon its release, everything sans graphics and a good translation. People wanted more out of their video games, and Square delivered; thus VII is also the game in which everything is bigger - from the plot to the protagonist's hair and sword to his bitchin' archnemesis. Oh, and also the corporate conglomerate with its claws in your purse strings.

Shinra, Inc.: quite possibly the only power company in the world. Shinra keeps afloat by sucking the Planet dry of its life force, pumping the energy extremely efficiently into every single continent inhabited by man, collecting tax dollars, and stamping out anything that looks remotely like competition - occasionally using men in snappy suits. One day, Shinra's employees found their president face-down on his desk with a sword stuck in his back . . . and so we have the story of how ex-Vice President Rufus Shinra came to power in his father's stead.

What kind of president was Rufus Shinra, one might ask? On the night of his promotion he basically told Cloud and company that he planned to rule by making people crap their pants at the mention of his name. Yeah, he's THAT GUY, the shotgun-toting ruthless enemy of planet-loving anarchists, hippies, and the common people. He's cold, calculated, and utterly fearless, with his business mind two steps ahead of the game even when the game is less like Monopoly and more like saving your planet from being blown the hell up. He's prim and proper from his nose to his toes and, even when his name fades into relative obscurity, he remains wrapped up in shady background dealings that inevitably leave him with all the cards in his hand. Because that's just how he rolls.

Sample Post:

To be frank: if a man has a bit of spare change, property shares are not one of the wisest investments he can make. And while I wouldn't call myself a miser, there's really no reason to waste money on things that can be disposed of as quickly as they can be acquired. So I must then confess it's rare for me, to be caught in a real estate deal I find at all difficult to refuse. Men of greater pride than I would cede your Madame Director has a certain way with words.

That said, you all may expect local swampland property values to experience a sudden and sharp increase, the likes of which you have probably never seen and will likely never see again. Why? Shinra, Inc. has . . . well. "Seized" is too strong a word, and implies effort. Let me try that again: Shinra has assumed control of a territory towards the western border, within the confines of your Director's impeccable marvel of engineering that keeps you all detained. An area of relative unimportance, though there is one small problem - I had requested the land be reserved for me and mine. And yet there are campers, doing poorly at what they ought to be doing best: camping; and yet there are undead, doing poorly at menial tasks such as shambling and frothing; and yet there are apes, doing poorly at maintaining their natural color palette. Careless.

This series of disappointments constitutes a slip-up on the part of the Director. It also leaves me with a dilemma - what to do with you all. My apologies if this sounds sinister, but the terms of the contract are clear. Living on Shinra's payroll, inadvertently or otherwise, means working towards the betterment of the company. Be proud - Shinra employ has its benefits. For example, denizens of Shinra territory may notice that their laptops, when charging, behave in an orderly fashion. Music files of illegitimate gain are suddenly legitimized, important text remains important and unmarred by unsightly sparkles . . . more personal files remain secure in childproof folders ironically labeled "do not look here". This is because the electricity flowing through certain cabins is now supplied by Shinra generators. At the mercy of a greater power, errant laptops do well to fear.

While the technology here is unsuited to advanced sources of mechanical energy, a company is little without the ability to improvise. Take a spry undead man and put him in what resembles a turbine, then suspend a piece of fresh raw meat where he can see - but where he can't reach. Take several undead men, several wheels, and several metric tons of cheap meat as supplied by Tuesday chefs . . . it doesn't take an engineer to recognize the ingenuity. On top of the convenience, one need never waste a bullet on the undeserving ever again.

Such benefits beg the question of what do I want from all of you. The answer is simple - cooperation. It gets you far, particularly in such a man-eat-man environment. I'm afraid you're living in cutthroat times in a similarly cutthroat place. Really, your best bet for survival would be allying yourself with the winning hand. And if you're truly dim enough as to have to question which is the winning hand, a little hint: it's the one with the tailored glove and the gun.

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