Feb 17, 2008 21:38
This icon is also really hot.
- IN THE GAME Rufus is about level 21 IIRC. In camp he is level 30! Rufus doesn't do much of the LEVELLING UP thing. However, in the realm of meta he totally does have a corporate evil experience bar that is completely maxed out. You can all thank Aviy for this.
- Dark Nation was his first and only pet. He received it when it was already a big genetically enhanced kitty that was essentially preprogrammed to attack anything that was a threat to him. He wasn't too broken up when Cloud killed it, especially since the incident went hand-in-hand with him receiving the presidency. The only indication that he was attached to the thing at all is the fact that he hasn't had it replaced and has no plans of replacing it. It was a good tentacle panther until it died. No more tentacle panthers for Rufus :(
- Rufus always has his shotgun on his person. I am PRETTY SURE it's a sawed-off shotgun, double-barreled, which makes sense what with the way he whips it out in AC--sawed-off shotguns are much easier to conceal, according to Wikipedia. He fires it one-handed! Which is sort of odd because that's how you BREAK YOUR ARM IN PLACES.
- Rufus knows the weight and work of most firearms smaller than his shotgun and can reload a gun blindfolded.
- Rufus does not use credit cards as often as he does debit cards.
- Rufus has ludicrously good sea legs. Put him on a ship of any kind, SHAKE IT A WHOLE LOT and the most he will do is find a rail to hold or stagger a little, and only if everyone else is falling all over themselves. If there is something Rufus will never be seen doing, it is losing his balance completely and falling flat on his ass or face. It--it just doesn't happen to him. It happens to everyone else, but not to him.
- Rufus is obsessed with his job because he's obsessed with doing it right. And he really was an excellent executive--everything he did as vice president, including plotting his father's death, was for the betterment of a company that, while good, could be better. Rufus is ultimately a creature of extreme efficiency, and if his lot in life had been anything else you can bet that he would've scaled that profession's ranks incredibly quickly, because he won't elect to do something if he knows he won't be goddamn awesome at it. He is the well-oiled corporate machine. From the future. That's how good he is.
So when it's necessary, he can become something of a workaholic! If a problem arises in the system and remains a problem, he will be up from dawn to dusk forcing it to go away without exhibiting any signs of fatigue. But when everything is running smoothly, when he doesn't feel anything needs improvement at the moment, he's really zen.
- Re: being zen: Rufus spends his leisure time...doing excess work, drinking casually, or reading. He likes red wine, the news, political philosophy. He is a pretty typical classy executive in this respect, except golf is for squares. Truth is, he likes his alone time and his "social" time about equally, provided the people he interacts with are people he can actually stand or people who are useful to him.
- Rufus has never slept with anyone whose name he remembered a week later. People who have tried using sex against him (among other methods of blackmail) have in fact been systematically destroyed. He has never been in a romantic relationship and has never given a whole lot of thought to the idea of an heir, but when he does think about it he knows his father tried conditioning him and, well, look how well THAT turned out.
- HE IS IN FACT A DRAMA QUEEN. Drama queen comes before attention whore--his current obscurity doesn't bother him and he's content, at least for the time being, to be internationally considered dead. When he does do shit, though, he likes it done with pizazz and flair. When he's doing a BIG MOVE of some sort, his personal favored course of action will be selected due to its efficiency and, yes, how cool he can look while doing it. It's not his fault that it feels good to be gangster :<
- Rufus never raises his voice. Which is pretty remarkable considering how well and often he pisses people off. Also he is fairly physically incapable of blushing or fidgeting. These are things that belong under "things that happen to you that never happen to Rufus".
- A recent thread with Zack had me thinking--does he regret what he's done? ANSWER: in complete honesty . . . somewhat. During the actual recovery process following Diamond WEAPON's attack, he was forced to think about the events that led to his incapacitation, and it amounted to: he fucked up. And he does feel remorse--not for the people he hurt, but for how wrong he was about the Planet, about being incorrect. When he says he's making amends, it's to the Planet and the Planet alone--the people are inconsequential in comparison. However, Rufus, unlike our heroes, is not a pansy wallower and hasn't dwelt on his remorse at all. Instead he takes the affirmative action route. He miscalculated and now he's rediscovering his footing.
Contributing to what would've been the end of the world and nearly dying haven't changed him much, though. The only thing that has really drastically changed is his willingness to fuck with the Planet, and it's because of this he wryly considers himself a "good guy" now. He's still a dick, but he's helping!
Would he do it again? He would answer this in different ways to different people if they asked, but truthfully, no, he wouldn't. If given the opportunity to retrace his steps, he'd probably attempt to divert the end of the world AND remain supreme ruler of life, the universe, and everything. That would be the GOOD END. His current situation is a mediocre end, but he doesn't hate it.
- The Turks are the closest thing Rufus has ever had to a support system. SAD, BUT TRUE. In his youth there was always a Turk or two around, overseeing his development if not actively participating in it, protecting him. He relied on Tseng in a business confidential sort of way. He entrusted his life to them, they were devoted, and he could stand them better than most of the retarded department heads; they weren't friends but rather good and reliable subordinates--and loyal, which Rufus appreciated most of all.
...but he didn't honestly expect them to stay after the WEAPON incident. And while he'll never outright express it out of respect for both them and himself, he is really sincerely grateful. He cares, and he knows it and hasn't allowed this fact to change their dynamic much. And while he doesn't pay a lot of attention to what they do when they're not within his direct line of sight, and while he never blinks at them throwing themselves in harm's way for him, he won't tolerate people fucking with them a la Kadaj.
- Most of Rufus's external injuries after WEAPON have healed. If you look closely, particularly around where he starts getting bandage-happy, you'll see a neat framework of faded scars. He doesn't like them, but he puts off having them somehow removed entirely. It's not like anyone sees him naked anyway.
- Rufus doesn't really like it when people smoke around him. He's had a couple of cigarettes in his day, but summarily he considers smoking a wretched habit and, when he was younger, figured lung cancer would take out his dad if he didn't himself.
- Rufus never hated his father. His father was an obstacle that required removal, an incompetent president, a victim of Darwinism. He didn't hate his old man, but he didn't like him. The custodians probably were left to deal with the body and Rufus made some hackneyed public statement about private funerals.
re: rufus,
how i roll,