[Note: Buffy has a few verses, not to mention her canon spans seven seasons of the show, and comics. These sentences flit across all of them in no particular order. It also refers to events that haven't happened in any verses and therefore open to interpretation]
#01 - Scars
#02 - Anticipate
#03 - Gold
#04 - Job
#05 - Kiss
#06 - Parent
#07 - Nasty
#08 - Soul
#09 - Drive
#10 - Generous
#11 - Volatile
#12 - Past
#13 - Sick
#14 - Brave
#15 - Question
#16 - Peace
#17 - Reveal
#18 - Sore
#19 - Test
#20 - Change
#21 - Baragin
#22 - Date
#23 - Secret
#24 - Content
#25 - Fresh
01. Scars
It should have been ironic to a Slayer that the only permanent marks to her skin were on her neck, memories of the times she’d let vampires feed from her willingly.
02. Anticipate
Waking up in the cemetery shouldn’t have surprised her when she hadn’t even seen the blow from the demon coming, let alone remember when the ground had come up to meet her face.
03. Gold
The simple gold band that sat on her ring finger reminded her that she was now fighting for more than just the world.
04. Job
If only I did earn a dollar for every time I saved the world.
05. Kiss
It was the simplest little gesture, but she knew it was something that was Buffy’s and not the Slayer’s.
06. Parent
She’d almost forgotten he even existed until he caught a glimpse of him walking out of a store.
07. Nasty
She didn’t like playing the bitch, but Cordelia always did seem to bring it out in her.
08. Soul
Nothing quite poured a cold bucket of reality over girl after her first time like finding out she was the reason her boyfriend lost his humanity.
09. Drive
I wouldn’t say I suck, maybe just lack a little finesse.
10. Generous
She still couldn’t deny that Giles’ altruistic gesture brought tears to her eyes.
11. Volatile
“You did not just say my ass looks fat in this skirt.”
12. Past
It was never a conversation she looked forward to.
13. Sick
It had to be bad if it got the Slayer crawling into a ball under the covers of her bed and claiming Spongebob pajamas as her uniform.
14. Brave
She’d saved the world, but being a parent was still something she was scared of.
15. Question
“I’m sorry, the answer I was look for was in fact: ‘Who is Christian Slater?’”
16. Peace
She took a deep breath as she dropped down onto the ground and took a moment to realise that the world was still turning.
17. Reveal
There were times when she really wished she could unsee things.
18. Sore
Sure, her entire body ached but the fingers stroking through her hair and the lips kissing her temple lightly sure were nice.
19. Test
Who knew she’d actually be able to ace the SAT?
20. Change
It was happening slowly, but it was going to happen if it was the last thing she did in this world.
21. Bargain
The blood dripping from Willy’s forehead was testament enough that the Slayer wasn’t making any deals this time.
22. Date
Some nights she woke up wishing that she could just go back to that one night, and get things right with Blaise from the very beginning.
23. Secret
There was still a thrill in knowing that for now she really did have something that was just hers.
24. Content
It was the simple things in life that brought her that feeling, especially when she did manage to find time to get out on the ice and just let go.
25. Fresh
It was hard getting a fresh start anywhere when there was always going to be something that went bump in the night.
Buffy Summers | BtVS