Normal Again!Buffy for eleventh_doctor

Apr 12, 2010 17:34

”In her mind, she's the central figure in a fantastic world beyond imagination. She's surrounded herself with friends, most with their own superpowers. Together they face grand, overblown conflicts against an assortment of monsters, both imaginary and rooted in actual myth.”

The doctor’s words didn’t go over her head, not completely. Buffy knew she was broken. She knew that there was something wrong. It wasn’t normal to slip back and forth between realities. Between truth, and fiction.

It wasn’t normal for a girl to fight vampires, to die, to live again... To have been to Heaven, only to be resurrected by her friends. Friends made up from two witches, a builder, a vampire, and a sister that used to be a glowing ball of energy. None of it was right. None of it sat right.

But then neither did being trapped within four slate coloured walls, her parents still married - her mother still alive. Her mother had died. Her father had left.

Hadn’t they?

Giles, she needed Giles.

But what if he wasn’t real? He was too British, too... Watchery. Too fatherly. He was everything that Hank hadn’t been. And he was gone, too.

Everyone left her.

Except the Doctor.

Not the one in the white lab coat. The other one. The one that danced the edge of her dreams, and her realities. The one that seemed to want to help but couldn’t quite breakthrough. The one she was desperate to cling to, but could never quite reach.

The Doctor was all black hair, and authority. Hurt and comfort. Sweetness and fire. Every kind of combination that shouldn’t have made sense, but just did where the Doctor was concerned.

“Help me,” Buffy whispered when she was alone in the darkness again. She didn’t even know which bed she was in. They were starting to feel the same. She didn’t dare turn on the light for fear of finding out where she was.

A hand touched her shoulder, and Buffy seemed to relax. Her constant companion had finally come.

“Jelly baby?” the voice asked her brightly, the sound of candy in a paper bag being jostled loud in the otherwise quiet space.

journal: meme, episode: normal again, with: the doctor (eleven), season: six

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