The first in a series of rants relating to our current political situation!!! FUCK FUCK FUCK

Mar 07, 2003 15:18

It’s Friday, and its time to party with your host Paul Corkery and with him as always is... ok sorry got carried away trying to be cool right there... I promise it won’t happen again.

As many of you may imagine, I am in a bit of an odd mood. After watching “W’s” 45min address last night, fighting the urge to chew my own brain has been driving me slightly insane. For those of you that saw this travesty of a man try to address the nation, you know what I am talking about. Who knew it could take 45min to say absolutely NOTHING. I was at several points moved to attack my Panasonic 20” in a fit of rage. Frankly, I’m not surprised at all that the rest of the world hates our guts. I mean I was pretty pissed at America for electing this doofus in the first place, now I’m just flat out ashamed to be associated with such a poor representation. Aside from a few ‘plants’ almost every member of the press corps stuck it to Bush with intelligent and controversial questions that most Americans would like answered. Bush effectively and sometimes ineffectively avoided answering any and all questions that could have supplied information Americans actually care about. Does anyone have even a gram of confidence in this man when you see the look of utter TERROR in his eyes when addressing the press? GOD DAMN IT!!!

Exactly how stupid do Bush’s speech writers/therapists think we are? Christ you could almost see Ari Fleischer’s hand up Bush’s ass. Ok, ok… I will be the first to admit that the average American is actually pretty fucking dumb, but gimme a break. How many times do I have to listen to them soften up “Kill Saddam” by using the phrase of the night “Regime Change”. So apparently a liberated Iraq is a “Happy” Iraq --- ok, maybe. But who the fuck are we to decide what is best for the rest of the world. This arrogance when it comes to the correctness and wisdom of American foreign policy disgusts me, and is undoubtedly what is pissing most of these foreign powers off...

For those still questioning whether or not Bush is in fact the absolute moron I know him to be I have this...

Direct Quote: "There's an old sayin' in Tennesse -- I know it's in Texas, probably in Tennesse -- that says, 'Fool me once, shame on -- shame on you. Fool me -- you can't get fooled again.'"

...need I say more.

A week ago, my uncle went on his annual pub tour to Ireland, a country whose population traditionally welcomes American tourists with open arms. Apparently, my uncle did not visit a single town or pub in which someone was not spouting Anti-American sediments. Never in all his visits to Ireland has my uncle felt anything but welcomed by the locals. This year’s trip was incredibly different. He was taken aback by how many Irish folk were ready and willing to harass him and other members of the all-American group as a direct result of post 9/11 foreign-policy as it relates to both Iraq and our noble and appropriate actions when it comes to fighting the war on terror (is my sarcasm coming accross in text form?). One might expect this kind of miss-treatment from countries with a long history of anti-American culture like Pakistan or even other members of the European Union that will remain nameless --- “IM LOOKING AT YOU FRANCE” --- ok maybe not so nameless. Regardless, this is a sad, sad, SAD situation that disheartens me greatly. This cultural stigma we receive as a result of being Americans is unacceptable; I think it is time I move to Canada.

Would someone please just stick baby-Bush in his sandbox with his plastic army men so that the rest of us well-to-do Americans can sleep at night?
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