Prompt: The Swimsuit Issue

Jul 07, 2006 15:17

I recently heard an older woman talking to a group of women about the familiar topic of swimsuit angst. Her point was that the belief that one has to be in perfect shape to put on a swimsuit is flawed, and that body image issues are common across a spectrum of sizes and ages. She wanted to get across the message that everyone would do better to get out there and be active, plunge into the pool or the ocean, enjoy summer and enjoy life, rather than thinking so much about how we look. I agreed with that sentiment very strongly. Yet...

For people who feel deeply uncomfortable with the skin they're in, that's not such an easy proposition. Whether body consciousness stems from body dysphoria or from the plethora of unrealistic images propogated by the media, our feelings about our bodies are real and deeply entrenched. In the summer, when the heat compells us to strip off the concealing layers and get as close as we can to bare skin, all our body issues can bubble up to the surface and demand we listen.

Write on one or more of these mini-topics:

• The first time you remember buying/trying on a swimsuit

• A memory of a summer day spent outside (where were you, what were you wearing, what were you doing, what do you remember feeling about your body)

• Go with whatever this phrase brings to mind: "Slick with sweat"

• Bodies at the beach

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