1: naming a real thing or class of things
2: formed by coalition of particles into one solid mass
3 a: characterized by or belonging to immediate experience of actual things or events b: specific, particular c: real, tangible
Announcing the first open call for submissions to Concrete, a literary print journal through Sideshow Press, a publishing house for the rest of us.
Editor and publisher, Toni Amato will work with one guest editor each issue.
Our premier issue will be guest-edited with Andra Hibbert, a queer writer and researcher who lives in Jamaica Plain, MA and is negotiating the concretes of faith, love, food, and vocation.
For each of us, there is a moment where our abstracts --home, recovery, ability, family, grief, faith -- become concrete. For the first issue of the journal, we are interested in creative nonfiction, poetry, and fiction that present the personal and particular negotiations and explorations of these moments.
Submissions may be no more than 15 double-spaced (12 point, Times New Roman or Garamond) pages of prose or up to 5 poems (not to exceed 15 total pages). Include your name and the title(s) of your pieces and be certain to paginate. Please send your work as word document or rtf attachments. Be sure to include a valid email address and phone number. Selected authors will receive two free copies.
Submissions for the premier issue are due by May 30th, but all work will be considered for future themed issues as well.
Send inquiries and submissions to:
Note: Yikes! I meant to post this ages ago. Deadline for the first issue is May 30th.