Jan 27, 2010 07:57
High 86.9 Low 39.9 Rain 1.95 Chill hours 17
Last weekend we went to our Washington Weekend Workshop. Great workshop!!!
Now its time to plant, plant, plant. David is working on the spring garden, preparing for my planting the curcubits. Since they take the longest, and most can't take the heat, I want to start them as soon as possible. He said it would be ready by next week, and we are dancing again this weekend at C-gulls- Rob.
I planted about 150 ground cover plants in the blueberry area yesterday. Since I have so much to do, its hard to figure out what to do first. I need to start some potatoes and seeds on the lanai, reseed and plant some replacement crops in the winter garden, plant peas, corn; and there are still many plants on the lanai waiting to be planted. I guess I should plant peas today.
We are still noticing more dead things from the cold spell. The pineapples are brown, and the cherries lost all their leaves. Don't mind as much loosing annual plants that I started from seed, but loosing these plants that we paid $8+ each for and lost a year's growth is more unfortunate.