Jan 19, 2010 09:04
High 79.5 Low 43.7 Rain 1.71 Chill hours 1
Its been warmer, but windy.
Thursday we took up the covers and sheets, and brought plants back to their previous locations. David hooked the watering up again for the survivors. Its not clear if the pineapples survived, they look very yellow.
Friday we went to the C-Gulls Vic dance, Saturday we went to the Stuart Bunch Vic dance, and finally joined Stuart Bunch. Both dances were fun, but the floors were so different than Linda's because the Vic dances attendees were local. Good turn out!
It poured on the way home. It continued to rain 1.71 inches, which is a lot for the dry season here. The rainy Saturday was followed by a windy Sunday. The wind kept knocking over my empty shelving units on the lanai, but it didn't cause any damage. I tried to plant some seeds in the C4 garden, but it was too windy, so I gave up after I planted a little lettuce. I'm going to have to start some more trays to replace the plants I lost in the C4 garden. David slept all day, being completely exhausted from the drive home in the pouring rain.
On Monday, I started planting dusty miller in the P orchard under the peaches. I need to get as much planted as possible before we go to Maryland this coming weekend, so I won't have to worry about watering. The goal is to plant the ground cover that is ready (dusty miller, silver falls, verbena, and snow in summer), till and prepare part of the spring garden, and plant the approx 75 tomatoes. The spring garden planting is very involved this time. We need to till, shape, fertilize, cut and lay fabric, cut holes in the fabric for the plants, plant each plant with water crystals and a cup containing DE. The first to get planted are the tomatoes I have ready, which have a bit of frost damage, but should mostly recover. These need to be stake as well. David is tilling today.
dusty miller,