Marvel Television announced today the casting of two former Heroes actors for their two new anime series Iron Man and Wolverine. Adrian Pasdar, who starred as Nathan Petrelli, a human with superhuman powers on the NBC drama Heroes, will voice the character Tony Stark in Iron Man, an all-new series which sees Stark travel to Japan and battle the evil Zodiac Organization. Milo Ventimiglia, who played Pasdar’s super-powered on-screen brother on Heroes, will voice the title role in Wolverine, as Logan claws his way through Japan’s criminal underworld.
Iron Man and Wolverine will air on the G4 cable network later this year, along with the Blade and X-Men anime series.
Jeph Loeb, Marvel’s Head of Television, make the casting announcement today during WonderCon 2011 in San Francisco, CA.
loling foreverrrrrrrrrrrr.