
Forget about who you thought you were, and just except who you are. noooootch!

Apr 08, 2004 16:45

So yeah, it's been a while since I've posted. Fuck it. I don't give a damn. Here's what's up....

I'm back wrestling. I'm doing freestyle now. Yeah, I know; I'm a badass.

Because of this I am pretty much busy all the time: (mon:lift,tues:wrestle,wed:lift,thurs:wrestle,fri:lift,sat/sun: fucking get trashed)


The OC kicks more ass than you ever will.

But it wasn't on last night. That sux balls.

I need to pick up my guitar again....

Oh yeah.

I had to give back the Lexus, (Which has been mine for like 3 months)...and now I'm carless for like 2 weeks until I can get my shitbox on the road.


Fuck it.

I've been working on lowering my standards lately. eg: hooking up with ugly chicks to test m gag reflex.....not going so well....afterwards i just feel cheap..

This new "13 Going on 30" movie is just a rip off of "Big", which was, I guess, just a rip-off of "Freaky Friday"

Fuck Off.
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