Spring Break and the Such

Mar 14, 2006 16:37

Spring Break was defintely well awaited, mainly just to get away from everything here at school. The first part of the break I went home and spent some much needed time playing and baby-sitting my nephew. I made a trip to the doctor's while I was home and also did some organizing of stuff in storage to get stuff prepped for next year in our apartment (it's for sure now, we signed the contract the week before we left on break!)

Tuesday I left for Jon's house and spent the night with him. We had some yummy, yummy tacos at his mom's house and his sister got a kick out of me TRYING to play pool (oh, I'm so pathetic)! We left for Canada at 4:30am and arrived in Toronto at about 1:30pm. Toronto is SUCH a huge city with over 2.4 Million residents. The buildings were magnificant, especially seeing the CN tower-which is the tallest self-standing tower in the world (er something). It was also really nice to see the diversity that was contained within this city, we went through China town on the way in and later we spent a good amount of time in the Gay District.

The first night of our visit was low-key, we took a nap and went out for dinner and went to Woody's (a bar in the Gay District) for an hour or so. Thursday we spent the day shopping in this huge mall that had close to 300 hundred stores, it was fairly overwhelming. That afternoon we took it easy, went swimming and made plans to hang out with Megan that night. We met Megan at her hotel and we went out to the Gay District and had dinner. At dinner we ordered 3 pitchers of Long Island Ice tea to split between the 3 of us, which equalled about 6 glasses a piece. Next we went over to Woody's again and met up with a guy we asked for directions from (he worked at the hotel). He bought us another Long Island and we all had a tequila shot. The guy from the Hotel suggested that we go across the street to Crew's so we followed. He bought us a few more drinks, and we started mingling with other people in the bar. Jon and Megan were pretty much drunk at this time and I was trying to watch over Megan in particular because she had to head back to the states the next day. About the time she was ready to leave, I was on the brink of being plastered, but I was able to send her off in her cab to her hotel. By this point in the evening Jon had found a random guy and was making out with him and so I had to find company. I had a lengthy conversation with some guy about politics (of course I would talk about politics while drinking!) I also started talking to a group of people that were sitting across from our booth. Most of the people at that booth ended up grabbing my boobs (including a random girl) and they convinced me to sing Karoke-BAD IDEA! I was SO drunk by my time to sing I couldn't even keep up with the screen! So keep in mind I continued to drink this ENTIRE time, making my total amount of drinks close to 20 by 2 am (time the bar closed). Let's just say that I woke up in the hotel in my pajamas in bed beside Jon and had NO idea how I got there!

The next day was about the WORST I have ever had. All I did was sleep and throw-up all day long practically. And this wasn't your normal throwing up, because I had NOTHING other than liquid in my stomach so after the first time puking it was bile or simply dry-heaving mixed in with some convulsions. I felt like hell all day, and we didn't even leave the hotel until 8pm or so to finally get something to eat.

After my complaining about missing Levi and the unfortunate events the day before Jon opted to head back on Saturday instead of Sunday, that and he realized how stressful and tiring it was going to be if we went back on Sunday. So I drove the majority of the way through Canada and Jon took over in Ohio once again. It was really cool to get to drive over the Ambassador Bridge (which is the bridge between Detriot and Canada). We made really good time and arrived back in New Castle around 4 or 5, which meant I could still drive up to Muncie and see Levi-which was really exciting.

I got to spend Saturday night and most of Sunday with Levi and it was much needed, I had missed him a lot. After all of the thinking I did while we were in Canada I came to the conclusion that we were probably at a point in which we could become more serious and he was exstatic when I asked him if we could be more exclusive and be boyfriend and girlfriend.
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