Jul 29, 2008 21:44
so i've got two more days of work. after that i'm going to be cruising on the very short cash i happen to have until i get a new job. that, incidentally, is not going to well. not finding/hearing back from any good ones. spent monday filling out applications for retail. blah! don't know what i'm going to do. saleem is almost frantic with stress and worry. i'm right up there with him.
in related news, i'm doing that nervous eating thing again. every time i get like this i eat. compulsively. i found a beer in the fridge and drank it. i hate beer, but damn in my current mood, it was fucking tasty. i have no idea how long it's been in there, at least since december. it had plenty of fiz and now i'm belching like a biker. i'll bet i've gained weight. :( don't have a scale to confirm this, though that may be for the best.
i'm worried about the future and yet i have trouble motivating myself to go out and do something. i'm so complacent. that makes me angry.
blah over all.
love and kisses.
also: the saddest line ever "goodbye" ::explodes:: i about cried when that happened in TDK.