
Mar 06, 2007 15:01

Date/Time: Sunday, 12 March / 1:00AM
Location: Natalie's flat
Open To: Natalie
Currently Involving: Natalie, Jason
Warnings: Knowing them? Language, nothing else.

Oh, Jason... )

natalie corwin

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Comments 24

natalie_corwin March 6 2007, 21:13:21 UTC
Natalie was awake, actually. This might seem surprising, but... well, it wasn't. Not to her, anyway. She hadn't been sleeping well for a while now; since Christmas time. Jason might not often have nightmares, but she did, and she'd gotten used to not really sleeping at night because of them.

She was in bed, however, covers pulled up over her head, with all the lights off as she tried to pretend like she was sleeping. Or actually try to sleep, or whatever. The pounding on her door snapped her up, though, and for a second she wasn't sure that she wanted to answer it. No. Longer than a second. Who would be coming around so early in the morning?

She threw her covers back and rolled out of bed, heart kind of pounding as she went to the door -- but if it was something dangerous they wouldn't be knocking -- right? She opened it just barely a crack.


The door swung fully open as soon as she realized who it was. "Are you okay?"


droolonbegonias March 6 2007, 21:17:57 UTC
The first words out of his mouth probably would have sounded strange if it had come from any other person than Jason, or been said to anyone but Natalie.

"Can I sleep with you?"

The question was a little rushed as he stepped into her flat and tucked his hands under his armpits. He'd kind of realized that he hadn't thrown a shirt over his head -- stupid of him, as now he was finding himself cold.

Of course, with his sleep-addled brain, he didn't hear anything wrong with the way that he'd phrased his question. Maybe the next day, when he thought about it, he would have a good laugh at how utterly idiotic it sounded.

For now? It made perfect sense. She was his best friend, after all.


natalie_corwin March 6 2007, 21:33:11 UTC
"I... yeah. Yeah," she told him, with only the slightest second of hesitation. "I mean, of course you can."

She gestured slightly towards the bedroom, looking a little bit... well, lost, because she'd not expected anything like him showing up at all, obviously. So she didn't really know what to do.

Well, first things first; he looked freezing. She went quickly into the living room, grabbing a throw off of the couch and coming back to him, throwing it over him without asking first. Yeah, he wasn't going to freeze to death in her apartment, thanks.

"Are you... I mean, do you want to talk or... anything?" If she sounded the slightest bit awkward, it certainly wasn't because she minded Jason showing up in the middle of the night -- she was just shocked by it.


droolonbegonias March 6 2007, 22:41:12 UTC

This was kind of weird, wasn't it. It was the first time that he'd just gone and shown up this early in the morning (or late at night, if that suited her better), and it wasn't as though he was looking particularly amazing.

He hadn't even burshed his hair.

"Ah, thanks," he said sheepishly, tugging the throw around himself and holding onto the ends. "I just... uhm..."

Now, did he want to say that he just hadn't been able to sleep after his nightmare? Did he really want to get into the whole not-wanting-to-close-his-eyes thing? That was one of those things that was probably best left to the unspoken. At least while the memory was still so fresh, anyway.

And saying 'had a bad dream' seemed so... childish. But he said it anyway. "I had a bad dream."


natalie_corwin March 7 2007, 05:28:40 UTC

...had no idea how to respond to that, quite honestly. She was surprised that he'd even said any of it.

It kind of made her want to cry, in the best of ways. She knew that she and Jason were great friends, obviously, but... yeah.

She didn't cry, though. She blinked those back, her mouth opening and closing more than a couple of times, trying to figure out what she could even say that would at all be what she felt like she wanted to say to him.

Finally she did something that was... well, entirely uncharacteristic of her, really. She scooted over towards him slightly, throwing one arm over his shoulders in a very awkward sort of hug type thing. As much of a hug as it could be, with them both laying in bed on their sides.

"Thank you," she said, so softly that she wasn't sure he would hear it, even with how close they were. And then, louder: "I don't know what I'd do without you, either."

And the fact that she'd just told him that? Well... she just wasn't thinking about it at the moment. She'd freak out about it later,


droolonbegonias March 7 2007, 05:40:33 UTC
Jason probably deserved brownie points for not reacting like it was a big deal that she'd just told him that. He knew how big it was for her to have said something like that, but he just took it and rolled with it.

He didn't want her to freak, even though he knew it was kind of likely.

So instead, he just wrapped his arm around her waist to give her an awkward hug in return, though it was only awkward in that they were both laying down, so it was kind of difficult to get any real kind of squeeze to it.

"Thanks for being here," he replied quietly, settling down into the covers and the pillow.

Of course, if the light had been on? She'd have been able to see the huge grin that was on his face because of her words. He'd known that they were best friends, but to have her say something like that? It was nice.


natalie_corwin March 7 2007, 05:50:16 UTC
Natalie let herself enjoy a moment of just hugging her best friend, even if they were both laying down, because she didn't do that often. Hell, they spent so much time just being silly and goofing off that it just... never usually occurred to her. After that moment, though, she scooched backwards once more, to where she'd originally started from.

It was a good thing that Jason hadn't reacted like it was a big deal, really. It probably helped that she was getting more tired by the minute, too. Kind of made thinking, and reacting, a bit slower.

"Hey, anytime," she told him with a slight shake of her head, her own tone still soft as well. He didn't need to thank her for something like that anyway. It was just... how it was. It didn't occur to her that she wouldn't be there if he needed her, for whatever reason.

She actually managed to relax a bit herself, not saying anything else after that, just closing her eyes and wondering briefly if she might actually get a decent night of sleep.


droolonbegonias March 7 2007, 05:59:19 UTC
When she pulled back, he took his arm back and tucked it underneath his head, shifting a little so that he was more comfortable. Now the only issue of comfort was the fact that he was wearing pajama bottoms, but he could seriously deal with that.

Especially if it meant that he was able to close his eyes without seeing that awful image.

Yeah, being dressed was a small price to pay.

He was so tired that he could already feel himself being tugged into sleep. His eyes were all droopy (even though he couldn't really see anything anyway, so it wasn't like he should have really had them open), and he stifled a yawn before falling asleep.



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