(no subject)

Mar 04, 2007 22:00

Date/Time: Thursday, March 16 -- 3:00pm
Location: Halls!
Open To: Aaaany of Smash's.
Currently Involving: Alex
Warnings: Er, it's Alex. So who knows?

Alex was currently wandering the halls, bored, and looking for something to entertain him for a bit. Sure, he could do work -- they did, after all, have NEWTs soon, but he didn't much feel up to doing that. Besides, being in the halls right about now entertained him. Why? Well, the lack of seeing the Aurors pacing the corridors since they were confined to their quarters thrilled him to no end. It was pointless to have them in the castle in the first place, so knowing they were being locked away? Was exciting.

Still, the fact of the matter was, he was bored silly and needed something to do. He groaned a bit inwardly as he rounded a corner and went down a flight of stairs.

emily richland

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