
Mar 01, 2007 17:01

Date/Time: Thursday, 16 March, 2006, 11:30am
Location: Halls
Open To: Any of Bunny's! (Though Preston is suggested... >.>)
Currently Involving: Darin
Warnings: Um. Mild cursing? Apparently Darin is angry. ::dies::

The world is just absurd. )

preston victore, darin delouise

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kingpreston March 2 2007, 05:32:07 UTC
Preston, on the other hand, was pretty damn pleased about the Aurors being confined to their quarters. He was even happier about the replacement of, what Wes had not-so-affectionately coined him once upon a time, Fumbledore. Things? Were looking grand.

Of course, that was until he turned the corner and spotted Darin DeLouise. Never one to show his displeasure, the corners of his mouth turned up a bit and he gave a dramatic, sweeping bow.

"DeLouise, we simply must stop meeting in the halls like this," he said, clucking his tongue lightly. "People will start to talk." He waggled his brows, then gave a wink before puckering his lips and blowing a kiss to his enemy.

This was how things usually began between them: an encounter, a snide remark, a hot headed reaction... it was relatively the same each time, and yet he never grew tired of it. How could he have so very much fun with someone he hated?!


charmingdarin March 3 2007, 00:26:30 UTC
Oh, brilliant. Preston. Just the person that Darin wanted to see, of course!

Only... not.

Sometimes he found amusement in his encounters with Preston as well -- now was not going to be one of those times, however, as he was seriously not in the mood. He just rolled his eyes at the Slytherin, stopping and crossing his arms, the look on his face decidedly unfriendly.

"Yeah, they'll talk about how I kicked you ass," he agreed. "Again. Since what you're suggesting will never happen, so you really should stop mooning over me. Why don't you just bugger off and save us both the trouble?"


kingpreston March 3 2007, 07:12:06 UTC
Preston rolled his eyes; it was obvious that Darin wasn't in a good mood -- it was funny that he could tell those sorts of things about someone who he called his enemy, but whatever -- and that just sucked. How could they have a fun little banter match if his least-favorite Hufflepuff (almost a bit redundant, that) wasn't up for it?

"Blah blah blah," Preston replied, making his hand move as though he were making a puppet talk on and on and on. "Hasn't anyone ever told you that you talk far too much?" He sighed, then shook his head before adopting a stance of 'Look here, I've something important to tell you'.

"See, if you've got something interesting to say, you can talk for days and no one will give a shit. Of if you, like me, have a very charming way about you. Or, again like me, are very handsome. People will listen to interesting, charming, handsome people. They will pay rapt attention." He paused, put a hand on his hip, then grinned.

"But you just talk too damn much."


charmingdarin March 3 2007, 17:11:31 UTC
Yeah, funny... or perhaps it was because Darin was practically radiating the fact that he was pissed off out of his very pores.

And he really didn't give a shit what Preston was saying, or thought that he was informing Darin of, or whatever it was that he was doing. So much for Darin being the one who talked too much, because he pretty much tuned Preston out. Something about him being charming and handsome? HA. Yeah, right. In some freaky alternate universe, perhaps.

"Maybe they will at first -- until they realize that you're nothing but a pretentious asshole," Darin said with a shrug. "Then they'll be like, 'why the hell am I listening to this guy?' That's how I'm feeling right about now."

Seriously. He really should just turn around and walk off -- but what could he say? Part of him was hoping that Preston would say or do something just annoying enough to give him the excuse to do something other than trade stupid words around. He could use the stress relief.


kingpreston March 7 2007, 22:51:22 UTC
Preston feigned a look of slight concern. "No.. no, usually when people realize that I'm nothing but a pretentious asshole, they like me more." He blinked a moment, as if realizing something, and then grinned. "You seem to be the exception."

Shrugging, he walked in a sort of semi-circle, half-pacing around the Hufflepuff. He wasn't going to throw himself into a fight with the other boy, but he'd be happy to push him to doing something stupid. Then he'd feel more justified in hexing him.

"It's like... they know I'm a prick, but they just want my approval," he mused, tapping his chin thoughtfully. "Funny, actually. You'd think it would turn them off, but they can't get enough of me!"

He laughed then, obviously very amused with himself.


charmingdarin March 8 2007, 01:44:07 UTC
At least Preston was amusing himself -- he certainly wasn't amusing anyone else. Not within hearing distance, at least.

Darin turned slightly as Preston started walking, not about to let him out of his line of sight. He was a Slytherin, after all -- hexing him in the back sounded just about right for something scum like him would do. No, thanks, Darin would just rather avoid that.

"Not like anyone who feels that way is worth anything," Darin said with a roll of his eyes. "A bunch of brainless, spineless Purebloods -- yeah, what an impressive fanbase you have there."

He smirked, just slightly, and shook his head. "At least my friends can think for themselves -- and they like me all the same! Imagine that."


kingpreston March 9 2007, 06:07:17 UTC
"No, no... a lot of them aren't really all that worthless," Preston replied, mock-pouting at Darin. "I mean, sure, a lot of them are, who am I to argue? Every guy needs his minions and his harem. It's just the way of the world. But... there are a few..."

He paused dramatically, pouting his lips as if in deep thought while he looked up at the ceiling.

Now what was her name? Always such a complete lady. So very sweet to him, no matter how bad he and Darin got into it, even though she was just as close to him as--

Oh, right.

"Samantha .. Pascal? Yeah, I think that's her name. Hottie, too."


charmingdarin March 9 2007, 11:41:46 UTC
Preston was talking, and Darin was zoning. Really, who gave a shit what the Slyther--

Oh hell no.

As soon as Preston said that name, his attention snapped to him, and it was so very prefictable, really, but who the hell did Preston think he was, to have some sort of right to talk about Sam -- and to talk about her like that?

Darin might have been thinking that he wanted something to use as an excuse to get angry enough to do something stupid; but now that Preston had said that, all he knew was that he was pissed off. He stepped closer to the Slytherin, getting up in his face.

"Don't you fucking talk about her like that," he said, voice low and incredibly angry, his hand down in his pocket, fingers curling over his wand.

He was going to kill Preston someday.


kingpreston March 19 2007, 18:44:18 UTC
"Talk about her like what?" Preston asked, looking quite innocent and confused. "Blimey, you don't agree? You need to have your eyes checked mate, she's right up there with some of the prettiest girls in the school."

He shook his head as though it were a shame, before sighing and crossing his arms easily over his chest, backing away from the Hufflepuff just a tad.

Of course, he knew what Darin meant; he obviously thought Sam was 'a hottie', too. And he couldn't handle the thought of Preston moving in on his property. But whatever, Preston didn't want to move in. Lucky for Darin, anyway -- everyone knew he'd be screwed if Preston had wanted to steal the pretty Ravenclaw away.

At least, in Preston's twisted, self-centered mind, that was the case.

"That's not a bad idea, actually," he mused, still talking rather casually. "Glasses, they might look rather good on you. Pair of nice square frames, yes... I could see it!"


charmingdarin March 21 2007, 01:05:37 UTC
Really, what Darin meant was that, regardless of how gorgeous Sam was, that was not the sort of phrasing that one should use when referring to her, because she deserved quite a bit more respect than that.

And yeah, so okay, the thought of Preston and Sam made Darin feel more than a little sick to his stomach, but it wasn't like that would ever be something he would have to worry about anyway. Please. Sam had much better taste than that ( ... )


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