(no subject)

Dec 10, 2007 12:18

Who: Soon-to-be-Dead Catherine Murphy
What: Strolling Innocently
Where: Along the lake
When: September 23rd, 4pm
Warnings: Currently none
Open to: Anyone!!

The sky was an odd mixture of light and dark, which Catherine found rather amusing. Up around the castle, the clouds were thick but white -- and with the sun shining behind them, it was all very bright and non-threatening. However, up over the mountains in the distance, beyond the large lake that bordered the school grounds, dark storm clouds loomed.

Sort of poetic, in a way. So much so, in fact, that Cat took out a small notepad and scribbled a few words of imagery down. It was, of course, awful. Just like all of her poetry was. But it wasn't for anyone but herself, and she quite liked the way she captured the moment. Dark versus light, the way the light stayed steady over dear Hogwarts while the dark was the one on the move, the one advancing menacingly...

Putting her pad away, she stuck her hands into her pockets and began walking along the shore of the lake. Up ahead were the tiny boats in which the first years always journeyed across the lake. If the storm wasn't too close by then, she decided she'd paddle out and enjoy the quiet.

...With the bottle of firewhiskey she had stashed in her shoulder bag.
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