
Dec 10, 2007 11:59

Who: Jo & Christian
What: First Meeting FTW?
Where: Library (nerds)
When: September 22nd, 6:30pm
Warnings: None, I believe
Open to: Christiannnn

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perfectsnake December 11 2007, 09:21:06 UTC
Strange to think, but Christian was actually in the library for a similar reason. Oh, he wasn't at all concerned about Dementors and ex-convicts roaming loose, of course, but there were other things on his mind, such as the somewhat recent passing of Lucius Malfoy and the return of Dumbledore to the castle, even if it hadn't really affected his life all that much ( ... )


ohnojojo December 11 2007, 18:31:20 UTC
Jo was completely absorbed in her book and almost didn't even notice the older student coming closer to her. It wasn't until his robes brushed very lightly against her arm that she looked up, a bit startled, and surveyed the visitor.

"Oh!" she said softly, smiling as she gently pushed her own book away (really, it would have been embarrassing, would it not?). "Hello; sorry, I didn't see you.."

She hesitated, unsure of how exactly to finish that statement. If she'd been the one sitting down next to him, she'd have said, '..didn't see you sitting here,' but that was not the case! She... didn't see him coming to sit where she was? That just sounded stupid. So she left it as it was. She just didn't see him.

Spying the cover of his own book, she gestured down the table a bit. "I can give you a bit more privacy, if you like," she offered, even though she knew he should have been the one to politely choose another seat. Far too nice for her own good, she was.


perfectsnake December 21 2007, 05:48:19 UTC
That was the right sort of attitude, wasn't it? She'd been there first and yet she was apologizing to him. As if he were more important. Which, really, he was.

The bad thing about Hogwarts was that with the uniforms, one couldn't always tell a person's breeding. She seemed decent enough, but one couldn't always judge.

Still, Christian couldn't help finding her.. pleasant.. and he shook his head as she offered him some privacy. Besides, she appeared to be a Ravenclaw, so he was certain he could trust him to not disrupt his studying.

"No need for that.." he paused, waiting for her to supply a name.


ohnojojo December 21 2007, 09:34:22 UTC
Poor Jo would have perhaps taken that as a compliment; she looked decent enough, that is. Rather than being offended and going off on one of those tirades about how blood didn't matter, she'd have probably blushed and said something lame like, 'Thanks, you too..'

Plus, he was shaking his head, as though he didn't want her to leave. And it was then that she got a good enough of a gander at him, and she felt a little starstruck. She knew him, oh most certainly! Not only the Head Boy and a sibling of a professor, but a striking young man, as well.

"Oh!" she replied, grinning as he paused for her to insert her name. "Josephine. Jo, actually."


perfectsnake January 7 2008, 00:28:47 UTC
Well, it would have been a compliment, had he said it out loud. Even thinking it, it was one. After all, it wasn't often he could have such thoughts over one so much less pure than he was. Not that he was aware of her status. He'd have likely made a face if he was.

Lucky for her, though, he deemed her worthy of his company for the moment, though he had to resist making a face at that nickname. Honestly, what girl would want to be known by something so.. not feminine?

"It's a pleasure to meet you, Josephine," he said smoothly, flashing her the charming grin that both kept him out of trouble and insured he never had trouble finding a good snog when he wanted one.

"I'm Christian." Supplying his own name was only polite, even though he was sure she knew who he was. Didn't everyone? Well, everyone who mattered.


ohnojojo January 11 2008, 01:32:40 UTC
Jo's face warmed immediately as he spoke.

It wasn't just that he was well-known and speaking to her. It wasn't just the fact that his voice was quite smooth and giving her a cropping of chill bumps on her arm. It wasn't even just the fact that he called her 'Josephine,' a name which she rarely heard.

It was the smile.

She found herself smiling back, albeit clumsily, before looking away nervously and blurting out, "I know." She flinched, then shook her head and laughed at herself. "I mean, I know who you are. Not to sound rude, or.. or ungrateful for the introduction. I just..."

Oh, give it up! "Hi," she finally said, nodding and smiling as she shrugged at her faux pas. "Nice to meet you."

And then she sort of forgot to blink, or breathe, or do much of anything aside from sitting there, smiling.


perfectsnake January 12 2008, 04:56:01 UTC
Christian knew full well what that smile did to people, girls especially. He'd used it to charm his own fair share of ladies out of their knickers, after all. It pleased him to no end to see how far her could push a normally proper young woman. Some so-called ladies weren't so ladylike in all settings and he definitely had a knack for bringing those less proper behaviors out in them.

Just now, his smile morphed into more of a smirk as she stumbled over her words, as she made it plain that she not only knew who he was (and, who wouldn't, really?), but she thought well enough of him to be nervous. That pleased him quite a bit.

"The pleasure is all mine," he returned, pulling one of her small hands to his lips before she could protest (as any proper lady no doubt would in such a public setting), kissing the back of that hand. The flirtation hadn't been a conscious choice, but she was quite pretty and he was just a little bored. That was always a dangerous combination.


ohnojojo January 24 2008, 00:33:23 UTC
Jo couldn't help it. She let out a soft, breathy, nervous little giggle as his lips brushed the back of her hand. She even fluttered her lashes just a bit, but she was more than sure that it was because of the desire to nearly faint, and not so much any sort of flirtatious motion on her part.

If she knew what was good for her, she would have gotten up and walked away from the dangerously charming boy beside her. But, being a little on the smitten side (okay, a lot), she had no choice but to stay and smile at him.

"So, ah, what're you studying?" she asked, drawing her hand up to rest on her cheek, still feeling the tingle of his lips against her skin. "You're a year ahead of me, yes? I'd love to see what sort of differences are going on in our courses," she added, glancing down at his books curiously. She wasn't so much a bookish nerd in that she wanted to learn everything, she was simply dying to know what she'd have ahead of her next year.

Not so wrong, right?


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