
Nov 21, 2007 11:41

Who: Andra & Lauren SASS'N'CLASS FTW
What: BFF Chit Chat because Tori and I are clearly insane and have way too much crack going on
Where: Grrrryffindor Common Room!
When: September 12th, 8pm
Warnings: Girliness? XD
Open to: Lauren!

Oh Lauren, what have you gotten yourself into this time? )

andra owen

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andraleigh November 23 2007, 08:02:03 UTC
Andra couldn't help but give a ridiculously girlish giggle; this would have been so much fun if, you know, the subject of their conversation wasn't older and way out of bounds and all that good stuff. Oh, who was she kidding? It was still kind of fun!

Besides, what better way to keep one's mind from being all emo and thinking too much in a serious way than to just let it out in a silly fantasy-spilling session? Right!

"That should not sound as hot as it does," she replied, grinning wide at the flourished 'secret love affair' part. "I mean, right? It should sound gross and it should make me wag my finger at you but all I can do is grin like an idiot." She shook her head with a short laugh, then suppressed her silliness for a moment to listen more.

"Weird, yeah," she agreed, nodding. "I mean, it's not like you could go on a date. Or just walk around holding hands and being cute." That was definitely a mark on the negative side, right? She would have thought so. But maybe Lauren thought of him as worth more than that.

However, thought processes failed when she confessed that bit about her wanting to kiss him. After -- what was it? One hour or so? She wanted to kiss him that badly?? Oh Merlin help her, it was worse than Andra had thought!

Instead of chastising, instead of nagging and dropping in some sort of motherly warning, Andra suppressed her stick-in-the-mud tendencies and gave her friend a dreamy smile. "I'd bet his stubble tickles."


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 08:11:25 UTC
It was fun despite it being all too childish and dating back to their first year days... but hadn't she just made a pact with herself to be immature? So it definitely fell into that line of thinking which was perfectly alright with her!!

She giggled insanely, possibly throwing in a snort or two, when Andra said how hot the secret affair would be. First of all, she was laughing because it WOULD be hot, and she was agreeing. Second of all -- had Andra just said something was hot?? THAT was kind of priceless and a golden token that she would be taking away with her from this conversation.

"It's one of those things that's only in a novel or a movie," Lauren agreed, wondering how they couldn't think it was gross and wrong on so many levels. It was that forbidden hotness that drew you in.

But what was gross? Was imagining herself walking around holding the professor's hand and being cute. That was WEIRD and perhaps put the whole situation into more perspective. For some reason it was easier for her to imagine herself being thrown against his desk as they kissed, than walking on the grounds holding his hand and being mushy. Wow. Was her mind twisted or what!?

"Probably does," She shrugged about the stubble, "I've only ever kissed one other guy with stubble. It was different but..." Another shrug, as now was probably the time when they should stop dwelling on the matter, "It doesn't matter, right? We've come to the conclusion that my liking him is certainly out of bounds and that I need to push it away. So push it, I shall! Though... I don't know how I'm going to act around him or how I'm going to continue to help him with organizing!"


andraleigh November 23 2007, 08:18:44 UTC
Andra literally had tears in her eyes; really, once they got going, it was just a big mess of giggling and flailing and squealing and -- apparent in this case -- snorting!

Once she'd come down from the momentary laugh-high and wiped at her cheeks, she let out a sigh and shook her head. "I don't know, I think you're right. It's probably one of those things that are better left as fantasy, you know? Like, if it ever came true, it would probably be disappointing?"

How come she'd heard that piece of advice before, but had never known anyone personally to have some sort of fantasy come true and it not meet their expectations? This was so wrong. It was probably lame advice that people just gave in general to make others feel better about not taking action about something. Ugh.

It was definitely a good thing that Lauren didn't voice that bit about being thrown against Professor York's desk. While Andra wasn't above calling something hot once in a while, talk like that would have surely sent her face into a reddening like no other! Steamy talk, even if it didn't involve her or her own crushes, was a little too intense!

It was Andra's turn to flail, and she did so with such gusto that she bounced up and down on the couch a little. "Wait, WHAT?" she asked, leaning forward with wide eyes. "You're continuing to-- what is this?!?! You have like, preplanned quality time with him or something?? Oh my God, you didn't tell me that!"

Andra refused to say it aloud, but boy did she ever think it: He totally digs her.


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 08:27:09 UTC

Lauren nodded, because what else was she supposed to do? Going along with whatever Andra told her at this point was probably the wisest thing for her. Andra was a smart girl, even if she wasn't as experienced in matters having to do with the opposite sex. Above anything else, Lauren trusted her friends judgment.

So if she said that it would probably be better as a fantasy? She'd believe her and simply find a way to move on with her life, rather than day dreaming about said fantasy until it drove her mad.

Now it was Lauren's turn to jump back as her friend flailed and bounced and god knows what else! She laughed, completely shocked by the reaction she got from a simple comment that she hadn't even been thinking too much about in the first place! She'd almost been talking to herself at that point, so she was completely caught off guard with the other one's response.

"I-- it-- It's not quality time," She corrected, still laughing at her friend, "I'm just helping him organize the class room. The papers and files he has. So that he can concentrate on actually teaching, or something. I don't know," She waved her hand in the air to dismiss it, "It's not a big deal. Just work."

Thank the gods Andra had the sense not to tell Lauren what she was thinking. The last thing she needed to have in her mind right now was knowing that her friend thought the Professor was digging on her!!


andraleigh November 23 2007, 08:35:22 UTC
((ROFL This has to be like, the most I've played her in A LOOONG TIME. She was obviously dying to be let out! XD))

"Wrong!!" Andra replied, expression completely deadpanned as she held up a hand with all five fingers extended as she counted down a whole list of reasons for their filing-flirting sessions to not be 'just work.'

"Who needs help filing?" she asked, making point number one. "Furthermore, if one does really need the help, there are about a hundred people to ask. Why you? Why not some annoying guy in his own house -- brute strength, closer to the area of work, and no risk for people to assume there's something improper happening."

She actually counted that whole point as three, but whatever. Down to two fingers.

"Why, if he's distancing himself due to the fact that he doesn't feel that way about you, would he continue to put himself in your presence?? And lastly..."

Bugger. She didn't have the last one, and sitting there thinking about it made her look like a complete doofus. "Lastly, you're gorgeous!" she cried, jabbing her thumb up in the air to emphasize that she'd finally made five very valid points. "So... there! And I'm not even sure I should be encouraging this, especially after telling you to forget it, but... Merlin, seriously, that is totally quality time!"


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 08:46:09 UTC
Her jaw literally dropped.

Possibly all the way to the floor, but that could be a bit of an understatement. Honestly, though? It wasn't too far from the truth because what Andra was stating was MADE OF INSANITY and Lauren could not believe that ANDRA was the one POINTING ALL THIS OUT.

"Why me? Because... I was there when he thought of it?" Wow. Way to have a lame excuse. She knew that would never fly in the argument, so she just stayed silent for another moment, listening to what was being said. Actually, she opened her mouth to protest further, but shut it... as she was fairly certain that whatever came out of her mouth would fail to extreme levels.

Oh bollocks. As she listened to the rest of what Andra spoke about, Lauren facepalmed. A facepalm of epic proportions, as it actually hurt her because she smacked her head so hard.

"You're right! How could I not see that before?? It is quality time! OHMYGOSHANDRAWHATAMIGONNADO?!? HEELLLLLLLLPP!!" Spaz, flail, and a squee all in one. It would have been impressive if it hadn't actually been pathetic.


andraleigh November 23 2007, 08:53:12 UTC
Maybe it was the insanity of this whole situation. Maybe they had laughed and giggled and bounced so much that it was past the point of no return, and they were now experiencing some sort of delirium due to the sheer craziness of it all.

Whatever it was, it made Andra fall over giggling so hard that she couldn't catch her breath. Thank Merlin that their Head of House wasn't walking in to check on them or else they'd probably be suspected of sneaking in some Fire Whiskey -- seriously, those girls were out of control!

Andra grabbed Lauren's hands in a tight, finger-lacing fashion as she shook somewhat erratically, as if trying to shake sense into both of them. "AGGGGH I DON'T KNOOOW," she replied, shaking her head while still laughing. "How in the world did you even get yourself into this?!?! Not that it's your fault, I just... No one else, Lauren!!" She laughed again, shaking her head. "No one else I know could ever wind up in this sort of predicament!!"

Maybe it was a talent? She didn't know, but whatever it was, Lauren was good at it.

"You... are going to file papers," she finally said, calming down a bit. She was no doubt wild-looking, her hair having flown all over the place in their flailing, and still grinning somewhat maniacally. They had lost it. "And you... are going to not flirt. Okay, you're going to try to not flirt?"

((LOLOLOL I so love them OMG. XDD But I am falling over, and to bed I go!))


sheisavixen November 23 2007, 09:46:04 UTC
Lauren was surprised that they hadn't been interrupted by anyone yet. No one came over to tell them to quiet down, or to ask what they were on, or anything! It was quite a record, in her mind, as most Gryffindors weren't afraid to ask questions or butt into other peoples conversations. Or maybe that was just her...

All she could do was laugh along with her friend, as she was being a Complete Spaz, and it was possibly the most humorous state she had ever been in her entire life. Pathetic and bordering retarded, but humorous all the same.

She inhaled deeply, wondering the same as Andra. How exactly did she get herself into this?? "I don't even know, friend. I don't even bloody know! I just... I was just being nice and generally flirty as always, trying to open him up a bit like I always do and... things just progressed? He's intriguing, Andra. You know I love a good intrigue." It was her weakness, aside from the opposite sex thing.

"Yes, I shall have to try not to flirt," Nodnod, "But maybe I should just cancel on him? Tell him I'm too busy studying or something... which, let's face it, would be the biggest lie of the century, but he might believe it?"


andraleigh November 23 2007, 18:02:11 UTC
Lauren had a point about their bold and fearless Gryffindor mates, but Andra also had a feeling that they were acting so ridiculous that probably half of their Housemates had probably strolled by, saw the insanity, and swiftly moved in the opposite direction out of fear, annoyance, and/or intimidation.

They were being pretty loud!

She shook her head as Lauren tried to explain how things had gotten all twisted and turned into this big mess; it sounded innocent enough, really! She'd almost expected something utterly cheesy and romance-novel worthy. Like... he'd seen her about to trip, so he rushed forward and caught her before blushing and stammering and removing his hands from her person. But nope! It was pretty standard, which made Lauren's reaction to him all the more worrisome.

Flirting progressing to intrigue -- she'd never seen her friend so worked up over that simple sequence of actions.

Her suggestion to cancel on him went off like a bulb in Andra's head; why hadn't either of them thought of that earlier?! Duh?! She nodded, grinning wide. "Yes!" she cried, smacking the back of the couch for emphasis. "If he can't manage to put some space between the two of you, then you'll have to do it."


sheisavixen November 25 2007, 12:59:38 UTC
"Alright then, it's settled," She nodded, smiling in hopes that it would help her become confident in the matter. Lauren had every intention to cancel on him now. Now, as she was sitting here with Andra who was supporting her in the matter. But who was to say she wouldn't back out of it later when she saw him?

He'd likely ask her why. So she'd have to come up with some horrible lie or excuse. Which isn't what was worrying her. Lauren was quite good at lying. Of being able to pass things off without people knowing the truth -- its how she was able to joke so well, you know?

She could totally do this, though. She just had to keep telling herself. And she had to prepare herself. The last thing Lauren wanted to do was hurt her Professor and make it all awkward, but something had to be done. She didn't want to continue with the charade and feel worse and fall harder! Even though it had only been a day... it was just scary how she couldn't seem to get him out of her mind.

"I shall just have to tell him that my work overload is more than I expected, and that all my spare time will be spent doing that..." She frowned, as that sounded like a horrible excuse. What else could she do, though?


andraleigh November 25 2007, 19:05:59 UTC
Andra knew Lauren well enough to know that while she had the confidence to do it right now, it didn't mean she'd have the confidence to do it later on. But she wanted to support her friend and believe in her, so she gave a bright smile and a firm pat on the shoulder.

"He'll understand," she offered, nodding her head. She didn't know if she really believed in what she said; if the man did have some sort of feelings for Lauren, he'd likely be confused and a bit hurt. But he'd need to understand, and that was that. There couldn't be any sort of dangerous affair going on -- it would really mess with both of their lives.

Besides, if he really really liked her, he could wait. Right? She was a romantic, and she believed wholeheartedly that it was the truth. Maybe the waiting would make it stronger. Always on the positive, Andra was!

"If you feel like he's not going for it, you can always use me," she added, nodding. "Tell him I'm commandeering all of your spare time to help me study, as well. That's definitely believable." She offered a brighter smile, then leaned over to rest her head on Lauren's shoulder. "It'll be okay."

This whole situation was so weird. Both the prospect of a professor ever having an attraction to a student (though, she supposed it wasn't that unusual, especially in a boarding school with a whole group of legally adult witches and wizards..), and Lauren's obvious distress over the fact that she felt something for him, too. Weird. It was messing with Andra's reality a little bit!!


sheisavixen November 26 2007, 05:38:15 UTC
"Thanks, friend," She smiled as Andra offered herself as an excuse. If worst came to worst, she might actually seriously consider using it... but in the mean time, she just hoped that he would understand. If he was at all feeling anything towards her, which she kind of wanted to remain in denial about so that she wouldn't get even more twitterpated, than he would have to understand. Hopefully he would appreciate it, as well.

It was all a matter of actually going to tell him and spitting out her lies.

"Anyway... I know that I said we should skive off doing work and just have fun all the time, but I suppose we have to study at some point. So I'll leave you to it," Lauren gave her friend a side hug, sighing as they leaned into each other for a brief moment.

Once that was done, she stood to her feet, smiling down at her friend, "We'll catch up again soon, yeah? I'll have to let you know how talking to him goes and... yeah."


andraleigh November 26 2007, 07:29:53 UTC
Andra smiled as she leaned into the hug, giving a slight nod acknowledging Lauren's thanks for the excuse. She hoped that she wouldn't have to use it, and that Professor York would somehow get the point that distance between them would be a good thing.

She was still so perplexed as to how this even happened! Her flirty, rambunctious best friend not only catching the interest of a seemingly serious professor, but her being quite affected as well? It certainly didn't happen everyday, that was for certain.

"We'll have to make an official start to our procrastinating-immature-remainder-of-Hogwarts one weekend!" Andra offered, giving Lauren a bright and eager smile. "Make a big deal out of it -- gooey desserts by the lake, climbing trees, sneaking around and finding a passageway... It'll be grand!" she finished, making a flourishing gesture. She knew that this year would get better, if only because she'd made this pact with Lauren.

How could months of being immature and carefree not be fun? Exactly.

She smiled and nodded softly as Lauren assured her that they'd catch up again soon, and that she'd fill her in on how the whole situation went. She couldn't deny that she'd be eagerly awaiting an update.

[End Thread! OMG we are crazy, you realize this? HOW MANY COMMENTS HAVE WE HAD TOGETHER TOTAL, JUST IN LIKE, THE PAST WEEK??? Insanity.]


sheisavixen November 27 2007, 08:07:02 UTC


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