Who: Lauren and one of Bunny's!!
What: I don't know, it depends on who she throws at me. Bffs? Flirting with professors or characters who look an awful lot like Orlando Bloom? WHO KNOWS!
Where: Hallway, why not.
When: September 12th, Mid Morning
Warnings: Nah. She's all innocence. >.>
Open to: Bunny characters!!
that girl's a rock star )
"Well," he started, making an effort to ease the tension he felt around himself more so than anything else, "that's good, because there's a lot more to do." He forced himself to smile back, even though he wasn't quite happy at having her leave, either.
At least he'd have classes to distract himself with; that was always good. And then later on, perhaps he would work on more filing so that they wouldn't have as much work to do next time. More organizing and straightening, less boring filing.
He hurried around her and opened the door, holding it politely as he waited for her to exit. Sad to see her go, but knowing deep down that it was for the best. It might have even been for the best to tell her not to worry about coming back -- but there was no way he could do that, no matter how much better things would have been if he did.
He knew well enough to know that the comfort he felt with his student wasn't right, but he was too selfish to care. Besides, it wasn't wrong as long as nothing happened, right? Right.
"Goodbye, Lauren," he finished somewhat softly, regarding her with a warmer and more genuine smile.
Though, that probably had to do with the fact that she was a little preoccupied with her own feelings. Or rather, she was preoccupied with trying to ignore and deny any feelings that were trying to rush over her.
Nope. Not gonna happen, she had to force anything other than a platonic respect and admiration for him out of her radar immediately. Not just because he was a Professor and that would be Oh So Scandalous, but also because Lauren didn't do the whole 'mushy feelings' thing.
The sucky part? Was that when he smiled at her like that it was almost impossible for her to ignore feelings!! Ugh! This was LAME and she knew then that it was a Very Good thing that she was leaving.
"See you in class..." She smiled and bit her lip again, giving a small wave goodbye before rushing out the door and toward her next class.
As she walked, Lauren smacked her palm against her forehead, wondering why oh WHY she had had the strongest urge to kiss him on the cheek...
[END! OMG. WHY DO WE ALWAYS HAVE PAIRINGS OF CRACK?? and we're seriously gonna have to do a bff thread now... as Lauren DEFINITELY needs to talk this one through... ♥]
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