
Nov 07, 2007 23:01

Who: Emily and Annie!
What: Welcome Feast -- sisterly love? :)
Where: Great Hall
When: 1 Sept, dinner
Warnings: None
Open to: Just Annie, methinks.

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annie richland, emily richland

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ickleanniekins November 8 2007, 05:37:09 UTC
The train ride had been an interesting one to say the absolute very least. Not only had her Prefect badge taken away by her roommates (whom she was not hiding from now, nope, not at all), they'd kidnapped her from the Prefect's car, despite her protesting and insisting that she needed to stay. Still, they'd dragged her off, and... bah. She should have expected that though, because of the phrase 'expect the unexpected', and God knows that phrase could apply to Bailey and Felicity quite well.

Things were a little more in order now and a little more sane. She'd made herself look much more presentable, though her badge was still MIA. She couldn't complain though, because she was at school. Sure, she missed her big brother, but she had Emily here! That, of course, was amazing. She hadn't seen her when she entered, but it wasn't long before her older sister joined her at the table, and Annie couldn't help the bright smile that crossed her face. "Em!" She said excitedly, even bouncing a bit. "Oh, this all looks so delicious," she went on as her eyes went back to the table. "I'm absolutely starving."


lovethelilies November 8 2007, 05:52:59 UTC
Emily's smile grew even wider at Annie's reaction to her joining her at the table. Sort of silly of them, really, considering they'd spent the whole summer together, but for Emily it was a sense of... familiarity. She liked it.

"It does," she had to agree about the food laid out before them. "But I don't even know where to start!"

Which was true, in a sense, but you had to start somewhere, and Emily had started loading a plate nonetheless. The rolls, especially, looked very tasty, and she loved Hogwarts food so much.

"So how are you liking being a prefect?" she asked as she finished putting food on her plate. After all, that was the real reason she'd come over!


ickleanniekins November 8 2007, 06:20:06 UTC
Annie loved spending time with her sister, she really did. Emily was her best friend in the world and she really couldn't spend enough time with her. Sure, they both had plenty of other friends, but who could be closer to you than your own family?

Letting out a small laugh, she reached forward to start putting food onto her plate. "I love Mum's cooking, I really do, and yours.... but, Merlin! The house elves make amazing meals, don't they?" Her grin widened even more as she spoke, stopping to take a small bite of it. "I miss this over the summer."

At Emily's question, she paused for a moment, face scrunched as she thought about the events that had occurred on the train. "Well, it's... it's different! I mean, I'm still really excited about it, but my roommates..." A pause. "I don't think they want to listen to me very much."


lovethelilies November 8 2007, 06:24:11 UTC
"Oh, my cooking couldn't compare to anything we get at Hogwarts -- or even Jason's cooking, really," Emily said with the shrug. It was true, though not for too long, she hoped. She was getting better, especially at baking, which she loved, but she had a lot to learn still, too. But it was so much fun!

She frowned, slightly, when Annie mentioned her roommates not wanting to listen to her. Of course she was much luckier, in some ways, with her roommates than her sister.

"Well, I mean, you can't make them, right? I know it's your duty and all, but you'll do your best, I'm sure, and that's all that anyone can ask of you!" After all, Annie was still a student herself, and could hardly be asked, or expected, to discipline her roommates all on her own!


ickleanniekins November 8 2007, 13:31:15 UTC
"... that's true," Annie said with a bit of a giggle after a moment's pause. It was a little surprising that her brother could cook so well sometimes, but hey, there was nothing wrong with that, was there? "I guess we're just really lucky here, aren't we?"

Biting the inside of her cheek lightly, Annie sighted a bit before pressing her lips together. It was strange, having to be the boss of people, but she was still incredibly excited about it. "Well, I can't make them do anything, obviously," she agreed with a quick nod. "So, hopefully... they'll decide to behave? I mean, I know they both like breaking the rules a lot, but..." She trailed off, intending to say 'maybe this year will be different?' but stopped, because she was sure it wouldn't. "I don't know! We'll just wait and see what happens, yeah? And you're right... that's exactly what I'm going to do."

There was a pause before she went on. "How was your train ride?"


lovethelilies November 8 2007, 13:36:51 UTC
Emily nodded when Annie agreed with her about what she was going to do. "Good!" she reiterated her approval of that plan. It was the only thing that made sense, right? No could expect Annie to have to reign in her roommates all by herself, after all.

Even Emily knew that the very idea was ridiculous!

"And maybe if they give you too much trouble you can talk to a Professor about it? I know how being a tattle-tale can be, though..." she didn't like being a tattle-tale herself, of course, so she just shrugged and trailed off.

"And my train ride was good! A little uneventful, I suppose, but that's alright."


ickleanniekins November 9 2007, 17:54:05 UTC
It was amazing, what a good mood being around Emily could put Annie in. Sure, Annie was normally a happy person by nature, but being around her big sister just seemed to increase that happy feeling. The madness of her train ride here had been almost forgotten, or at least, it wasn't bothering her nearly as much as it had been.

"Maybe," she agreed with a nod. "I don't want to get them into too much trouble, but if I have to, I will."

Annie laughed at that and twisted her fork around. "Uneventful, huh? Maybe I should have sat with you instead. I, thanks to Bailey and Felicity, was kidnapped from the Prefect's car. Luckily, I'd gotten most of what I needed to hear, but still! Kidnapping." Her nose wrinkled a little before she went on. "Snagged my badge too, but I'm sure it'll turn up in our dorm soon enough."


lovethelilies November 10 2007, 18:21:38 UTC
Emily just nodded as well, when Annie agreed with her. Of course she didn't think that Annie should go off running to the Professor's about every little thing her roommates did -- or that she would need to! -- but she thought it was good that Annie could, if a situation arised.

"Kidnapped?" Emily repeated, instantly intrigued. It sounded like quite the story anyway, and Emily loved stories. They were the sorts of things that fueled her daydreaming tendencies, after all.

"I think maybe I should be jealous of you," she told her sister with a light laugh. "It sounds like you had an adventure on the way to school!" Not that she was an adventurous person herself, of course. She just liked the idea of adventure, more than anything.


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