I'm not a perfect person, there's many things I wish I didn't do

Jul 06, 2007 15:12

Date/Time: 13th July, Evening-ish.
Location: Quevillon, nr. Rouen, Normandy, FRANCE. (reads like an address, but you haven't seen the mapwork I had to do)
Open To: Evie, as I'm not sure anyone can interrupt them in the middle of nowhere.
Currently Involving: Michel and Evie, I do presume.
Warnings: None. Cuteness?

I've found a reason for me to change who I used to be. )

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professorevie July 6 2007, 19:53:05 UTC
Evie was honestly having a great time. Michel's father was such a sweet man. Well, he was to her. He was a little harsh with Michel, of course. She understood that all Monsieur...er, Jean wanted to do was to push his son to be the best he can be (or at least, she thought that was the case), but still at every little insult to Michel, she felt the need to jump to his defense. She couldn't help it. She did it politely and discretely, of course, but she still felt...odd about it. She wanted Jean to like her so badly.

At any rate, it was after dinner, and she'd been talking to Jean when Michel came down with her jacket. She turned to Jean with a smile, excusing herself, then pulled her coat on and went to follow Michel. It would be nice to see more of this place. It was beautiful.


corps_et_ame July 6 2007, 20:00:41 UTC
He took her hand when she came close enough and pulled her out of the door, closing it behind him. His fingers wrapped around hers and he tugged it a little as he turned down the path into the woods. It was a nice, summer's evening. Which was always a bonus. "Had to get out of there," he breathed once they were a fair distance away, but not so far that the silence would be awkward. "I mean...did you see the look he gave me when I turned the wine down. Mon Dieu."


professorevie July 6 2007, 20:08:08 UTC
Evie's smile widened considerably when he took her hand. It was incredibly cliche, but even the slightest touch from him made her so happy. She stayed close to him as they walked, and had to laugh a little at his confession. "You know, I could be completely wrong, but I think that look he gave you might just pass as pride," she said with a smile. "And if it wasn't, I'll just have to have a few words with him." She was teasing of course, but really, what father wouldn't be proud of his son for doing what Michel had?


corps_et_ame July 6 2007, 20:40:00 UTC
Michel gave her a sideways glance and a raise of his eyebrow, "Strange, because I got more of a 'it's about bloody time' vibe from that look." He shrugged a little, thinking about it a little. Why would it be anything else? Why would his dad be proud of him for doing something he shouldn't have to do? Why would he be proud of the fact that his son couldn't handle 'moderation'? Of course, part of Michel's problem with his dad was that for all the times he was making snide comments in his direction, there were quite a few times when Michel misread him. He waved his hand in a vague gesture, "Ah, there's no need to bother with that, honestly."


professorevie July 6 2007, 20:46:51 UTC
Evie laughed. "Well that's a...very obscure branch of pride, I think," she said with a grin. And it was! In a very...odd way. Michel's father loved him, that much Evie knew. If he didn't, he wouldn't care enough to make those snide comments. It wouldn't matter if Michel was drinking himself to death. "Well, for what it's worth, I'm very proud of you," she admitted with a slight shrug as she looked up at him.


corps_et_ame July 6 2007, 20:51:56 UTC
Michel smirked, "I suppose it is. He's obscure in most of his branches of most things." How very vague and nonsensical of you, Michel. He knew his dad loved him, he really did. There were just times when he wished he'd show it in different ways. He squeezed her hand a little, "Thank you. It means a lot to me, you know."

((in case my internet dies again, I'm going to tea. Should be back later. SHOULD.))


professorevie July 6 2007, 22:03:16 UTC
"It's what makes him interesting," Evie agreed. She really did like Jean. "Not that I know him all that well, or anything." She squeezed his hand back. Once again, the slightest gesture made her so incredibly happy. "I'm glad you feel that way."


corps_et_ame July 6 2007, 22:10:41 UTC
Michel gave a wry smile, "Interesting is one word for it." He thought on this for a moment, looking off into the trees, then back to her, "He likes you, you know," not to mention asking him all sorts of awkward questions, as it wasn't often he took someone home with him. "Nobody's ever had as much faith in me as you have. Of course it means a hell of a lot to me."


professorevie July 7 2007, 12:56:59 UTC
Evie had to smile even more at that. It was what she wanted to hear. She'd been so nervous about it. Though she wasn't entirely sure why it mattered so much to her. She didn't typically care what other people thought of her. She laughed at herself. "I was hoping he did." She looked down at the ground sheepishly, biting her lip before looking back up at him and meeting his eyes. "Well, I couldn't just give up on you," she admitted quietly.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 13:43:55 UTC
He smiled reassuringly at her, not quite believing how nervous she'd been about it all. "Trust me, he does." Michel didn't need to think much to reply to her, though, "You could have and perhaps should have. But didn't, and that's a huge thing, if you realise it or not."


professorevie July 7 2007, 14:00:08 UTC
"I don't know why, I was just...worried he wouldn't," she admitted with a blush. She laughed a little. "Michel, if you know me at all, you know very well that I quite literally couldn't. Not when I care about you so much," she said without a second thought. It was the truth after all.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 14:24:22 UTC
Michel smiled a little at this, "he's a hard guy to please, but not a hard one to make like you." He shrugged and held her hand a little tighter, "And that's exactly what I appreciate."


professorevie July 7 2007, 14:30:21 UTC
"It's a good job that you do, because I've no intentions of changing," she teased. Evie was very glad she'd come. It was nice to meet Michel's father. Besides, if she'd not come, she'd just have been alone for the week. And she'd have hated that. "Where are we going, by the way?"


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 14:52:21 UTC
He rolled his eyes, "I forgot you never changed, even if the world was blowing up." Which, on reflection, was rather an astute observation for the time. "We're going to a little village called Quevillon. Not far from here." He pointed vaguely through the woods, "The Seine's through there and you just follow it downriver for a bit.


professorevie July 7 2007, 15:02:56 UTC
Evie laughed, despite the truth in that statement. "Nope. I'll still be the same Evie," she said with a grin. "Though I should really hope you wouldn't want to change me." She pouted a little, then decided it was too much effort and brushed her hair out of her face happily. "Ah, the Seine. I'll remember not to drink from it," she teased.


corps_et_ame July 7 2007, 15:09:39 UTC
He shook his head, "Of course not. It's one of the many reasons I like you so much, that you never change. It um.." he laughed a little at the slight irony of the statement, "makes a nice change." He laughed with a slight shrug, "I won't throw you in it, promise. It's not so nasty up here, though."


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