
Feb 18, 2007 00:01

Date/Time: Sunday 5 March / 1:00pm
Location: Grounds
Open To: Wes
Currently Involving: Kiley
Warnings: Does brainwashing count?

life sucks sometimes. )

wesley broderick, kiley barton

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wesleybroderick February 19 2007, 02:51:20 UTC
James had been making his game easier and easier.

All he had to do was be supportive and... there. Everything else was already in the palm of his hand, because the Gryffindor was being an asshole and ignoring Kiley. Really, it was just far too easy, and Wes should have felt a little bad about it.

Did he?

No, not really. Heading down to the grounds, his hands in his pockets, he spotted the back of her head and inwardly smirked. Outwardly, he was as serious as he could muster, calling out to her, "Kiley! I've been looking for you."


kiley_barton February 19 2007, 03:04:12 UTC
Kiley took a sudden, deep breath when she heard the familiar voice calling to tell her that he'd been looking for her. She turned towards him, smiling slightly. Or trying to, at least, because she didn't want to... just be sad or bring him down or something. And she was glad to see him, besides.

"I'm glad you're here," she told him, though perhaps a bit quieter than usual. "How are you?"

Even as upset as everything with James was making her, it still made her a bit happier, just to see Wes. She had stopped questioning that a while ago, though; now she was just glad for it.


wesleybroderick February 19 2007, 03:56:17 UTC
"I'm better than you are."

Wes made it a statement, watching her with what looked like concern. Inwardly, of course, he was cheering for the Gryffindor (and that pained him probably more than anything else). "Has he still not talked to you?" He even sounded the part of the concerned, stepping up to her and wrapping his arms around her lightly.

It was supposed to be a hug. He still wasn't quite used to or comfortable with the whole contact thing, but he was getting better.

Practice made perfect, after all. Before she could reply to his question, he added quietly, "I'm sorry. If there's anything that I can do..." He knew that the longer that he showed her support, that he was there for her, the worse it would hurt her when he finally finished his game.

And that? That was the ultimate goal.


kiley_barton February 19 2007, 04:17:00 UTC
Kiley bit her lip at his answer, because part of her had hoped she wasn't that easy to read, even though even she realized by this point that she was. Her smile pretty much fell as soon as he said it, though, and she wrapped her arms back around him gratefully.

"I don't even know what to do," she mumbled against him. "He just... he walked right past me today without even talking to me."

She closed her eyes tightly for a moment, and then shook her head, pulling back just slightly. "I'm sorry," she said softly, her eyes focused down on the ground. "I don't mean to be so upset lately..." She did feel bad, too. She wasn't used to feeling that way, and she didn't want to be, and she was certain that it would be better if she could just... be happy and more like herself.

She just wasn't sure how to do that at the moment.


wesleybroderick February 19 2007, 15:13:41 UTC
"It's all right, I know it's not your fault," he murmured, playing the part to perfection. He knew that she wanted to have someone there for her, someone who could hold her and just make her feel happy -- and in this world that he'd created, he was that person.

In the real world? Not so much, but she didn't have to know that.

Pulling back a little more, so that he could look down on her, he frowned. "Do you want me to... talk to him? I could do that for you... I mean, I know that I don't like him, and he definitely doesn't like me, but I could try anyway."


He had to laugh at the thought of going to James to talk to him about Kiley. After all, James would probably want to kill him, which would only turn out better for Wes and much worse for James in the long run.

Poor boy.


kiley_barton February 19 2007, 21:17:26 UTC
Kiley looked up with him with something akin to shock on her face when he offered to talk to James for her. "You would do that?" she asked -- because oblivious though she may be, she obviously knew that they didn't like each other. She wouldn't have expected him to offer something like that.

She even thought about it for a brief second, but she shook her head, because even Kiley could see that that was a bad idea. After all, if James was blaming Wes for putting him into the Hospital Wing, then Wes going to him to talk couldn't end well, right?

"Thank you, though," she added softly. "It means a lot that you would offer that, but I think I'm just going to wait... and leave him alone for a while."

She had no idea if that was a good idea or not, but at this point she couldn't think of what else to do. She couldn't keep just running into him, because eventually that would just be pathetic, right?


wesleybroderick February 21 2007, 15:05:42 UTC
Nodding slowly, Wes outwardly looked disappointed that she was so hurt by James. Inwardly? He was loving the asshole, which... was strange in it's own right. He didn't like the idea of liking the boy, but the way that he was acting was making Wes kind of proud.

It was just working out better for him in the long run.

"Whatever you think is best."

He wrapped an arm around her shoulder and squeezed it gently. He didn't know what else to do, as he wasn't truly supportive of her in the least. "I suppose it'd be silly to ask how you are, then," he added softly, looking over at her.


The next thing? Would be to make her happy.


kiley_barton February 21 2007, 17:51:00 UTC
Kiley leaned into Wes gratefully when he put his arm around her shoulder. She was just glad that he was there, because between James ignoring her and Dari not really paying attention to her either (which was strange, and another problem in its own right that she wasn't letting herself give too much thought to) she had been feeling kind of alone lately when he wasn't around. So it made her kind of pathetically grateful when he was.

"I guess so," she answered his question with a soft sigh, laying her head against him. "It's okay, though," she continued. "Everything will work out."

She believed that -- partly because she was just Kiley, and partly because she needed to. If she started thinking that it wouldn't, she... well, she wouldn't be herself, anyway, so that wouldn't really happen.

She didn't say anything else after that, though, just closed her eyes and tried to let herself relax.


wesleybroderick February 23 2007, 04:46:12 UTC
"It seems to me that you need some kind of distraction."

He glanced down at her, trying to come up with something that he could do for her that wouldn't seem too terribly over the top, while still being... supportive. After all, right now? He was the only one there for her.

Actually, it was kind of sad... he might have felt bad, if he hadn't been Wesley Broderick.

Raising an eyebrow, he added softly, "Anything in particular that you'd like me to do, or should I just come up with something?" Ah, he could have killed himself for this sweet act of his. He hated having to be nice, and if she said that he should come up with something?

Well, then he would have to think about what she liked. What made her happy, besides just being around him. And that was going to kill him a little.


kiley_barton February 23 2007, 22:28:55 UTC
Kiley didn't really think of it as sad. But then, she wasn't really thinking about that at all, if she could help it. That was apparently the problem with having so few real friends... when things went wrong, they tended to go really wrong.

"You could make everything just go away," she said with a small smile -- joking, of course, though it was a bit of a half-hearted attempt.

Honestly, she didn't need him to do anything. Of course, part of this may have been because she wasn't entirely sure what could get her mind off of things entirely. Nothing was coming straight to mind.

"You don't need to come up with something, though," she told him. "We can just sit and talk, and that's fine with me."


wesleybroderick February 27 2007, 23:24:31 UTC
"All right," he replied slowly, watching her.

He didn't like the idea of sitting and talking, but at the same time, what else was he supposed to do? She was his 'girlfriend', after all, and he couldn't just ignore her the way that James and everyone else had been.

No, if he'd done that, he wouldn't make as big an impact when he hurt her.

Smiling a tiny smile, he added, "What would you like to talk about? I want to cheer you up somehow..."

Right. Cheer her up. That was definitely the last thing on his mind in terms of importance, but he could lie with the best of them.


kiley_barton February 28 2007, 00:27:07 UTC
"Anything, really," she answered him with a small shrug. She wasn't picky, and she also just... didn't have any ideas. Pretty much anything would be better than thinking about the past week.

"I'm just glad you're here right now," she told him honestly. It made everything seem like maybe it would be okay, since she had someone with her at the moment supporting her. At least, as far as she knew she did.

But right, she should try and be less lame than that, right? "Well... what have you been doing the past few days?" she asked, since she certainly didn't want to talk about herself anymore, and she was pretty much always curious about Wes.


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