(no subject)

May 12, 2007 15:23

Date/Time: Wednesday, May 3rd, around 10am
Location: Outside Puff Common room -> Moving to halls, etc.
Open To: Tris!
Currently Involving: Dari
Warnings: Language, probably. Possibly some rule-breaking

It usually took a lot to convince Dari to skip a class. Not lately, though. Ever since her dad had died, Dari had lost a bit of her motivation to go. She'd just started to feel like herself again, start going to lessons regularly and get back into her old routine, when this had happened.

What was the point, really? People were dying and going missing and what good were a dozen NEWTs going to do her in that kind of world? None, really. She just didn't see the point anymore.

Even if she'd intended to go to class, Tris needed her. She didn't say it in so many words, but she had asked Dari to meet her and Dari knew what that meant - Tris didn't just ask her to come find her for no reason and even if she wasn't saying so, Dari knew this was killing her friend. It couldn't not be, because it was Darin and as much as Dari adored him, she knew he and Tris were even closer.

She leaned against the wall outside the common room, waiting for the girl to come out. She had no idea what they were going to do from here. Going to class was not an option, obviously, but at least being together was better than being on their own, right? Maybe they'd find something to take their mind off all of this.

dari davison, tris darcy

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