
Mar 27, 2007 11:46

Date/Time: Saturday, March 18; mid-afternoon, around 2 or so?
Location: Near the Kitchens!
Open To: Trissy the Weird :P
Currently Involving: Dari
Warnings: Oh, these two? Probably nothing TOO bad.

sometimes you just needed to take a break )

dari davison, tris darcy

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tris_darcy March 27 2007, 19:06:33 UTC
After that morning, Tris was more than happy to get out of her common room. One Darin DeLouise was nowhere to be found, nor was Lizzy (or Michael, as some preferred), so the company was... well, not so enjoyable. Sure, she didn't mind the younger years, but they weren't exactly friendly.


Of course, she hardly minded spending time with her other best friend -- in fact, she looked forward to it! It seemed like they didn't get much time together anymore! Between classes, Quidditch, other people (and for Tris, DA duties), they were both so busy all the time, it was a little difficult to find the time! So, when the chance actually came, she jumped right on it.

Plus... food. Food was always good. So, she made the walk from her own common room over to the kitchens, a small bounce in her step in a grin on her face. "Well, hello there, stranger," she said as she looked at Dari. "What's your name again?"


daridavison March 28 2007, 00:01:52 UTC
Dari had no idea, really, about Tris' morning. She'd spent her own morning buried in NEWT studies, freaking out about how exams were just around the corner and trying not to get too distracted with daydreams about a certain Slytherin. Which was easier said than done, but she wasn't about to fail all f her NEWTs over a boy, even if that boy was Jeremy.

She scrunched up her nose and laughed as her other best friend came into view and teased her like that.

"Oh, do I know you? Aren't you that crazy Hufflepuff girl who dumped my sister in the lake?" She grinned at that memory, because it had been funny, even if neither Jay nor her parents had thought so. And, of course, this was all in good fun, because Dari knew Tris was just as busy as she was lately. Classes and Quidditch.. and Dari's new boyfriend. All that made it hard to find time to just hang out.

"I think we need cake," she announced, grinning again and looping her arm through Trissy's once she was close enough.


tris_darcy March 28 2007, 03:47:01 UTC
Tris' face went into a genuine grin as she got a little closer. Spending time with Dari? Yeah, this would be fantastic, and it was really nice that their schedules finally matched up enough that they were able to do this.

At that, Tris's face became positively angelic and innocent, though anyone with even a smidge of common sense would know better than to fall for that act. "Me?" She asked in a clueless tone. "I'd never dream of doing such a terrible thing to such a darling little angel." And that's when she made a face, because she couldn't even manage joking about that one. She was fairly convinced that Jayden had been put on earth to make life hell for... oh, everyone that was unfortunate enough to come across her. "... not on purpose, anyway," was added with a grin.

Her eyes widened a bit in eagerness and her face very much resembled that of an excited child. "Cake!" She agreed with a quick nod. "Cake sounds fantastic! I've been craving sweets!"


daridavison March 28 2007, 06:48:03 UTC
Dari snorted when Tris tried to play innocent. She was definitely not stupid enough to fall for that. Especially with the calling Jayden a "darling little angel." Dari didn't like to speak badly of her sister, but very few people would refer to Jay like that. Least of all Tris.

"Right, I'm sure it was an accident," she nodded and laughed. Oh, she shouldn't have found it so amusing, but given everything Jayden had done to her in the past, she couldn't help being amused.

"You've been craving sweets? What a shock!" Dari said with a laugh, shaking her head. Tris' sweet tooth could be almost as big as her own, which was why she'd suggested cake in the first place.


tris_darcy March 29 2007, 21:20:10 UTC
Okay, so, it wasn't hard to tell that Tris had meant to do that and that she despise Dari's little sister. But, to her, anyone in the right mind would hate the little brat, and normally? Normally, Tris loved any and all kids! Except... that one.

Tris nodded at that, though she couldn't keep a serious face for very long, nor could she keep from laughing. "A very, very fortunate one," she said. "Who knew that someone could so lucky as for... that to happen." And so what if she'd gotten into trouble for said 'accident'? It was completely worth it to be able to get the little brat back for once.

Her grin widened as she scrunched her face at Dari. "I know, isn't it?" She asked with a laugh. "How often does that happen?" Oh... only, every day? The girl had a horrible craving for sweets and almost always gave in to it. "Anyway, cake sounds fantastic! And I think we deserve to indulge, eh?"


daridavison March 29 2007, 23:48:30 UTC
Dari, on the other hand, had felt really bad about Tris getting punished for that. Especially knowing that tris had only done it for her, so in a way, it was Dari's fault that had happened. This was probably why Dari only told Tris a few of the things Jayden had done to her. And whhy Tris still didn't know that Jayden had pushed her down the stairs last year.

Unless, you know, she'd just guessed that Dari hadn't fallen all on her own. Dari somewhat doubted her friends had really believed that lie, but she liked to pretend that they had.

"Only the days that end in y," Dari replied cheekily, grinning as they made their way down the hall and into the kitchens. Dari was in a fantastic mood, so she couldn't agree more that they deserved some cake. "We do deserve to indulge!" She nodded and grinned. "I don't know about you, but I've been studying like mad this week and I definitely deserve a treat."


tris_darcy March 31 2007, 15:01:17 UTC
As long as the trouble she got into was worth it? Tris so didn't mind being punished, and getting back at Jayden was completely worth it. Of course, she never actually mentioned knowing the other incident to Dari-- why push it, even if she'd wanted to kill the younger girl for it? No need to cause even more trouble for her friend.

"I have too," she said with a bit of a groan. "Throwing myself into studies, then trying to avoid them, since if I studied much more, the information was just going to leak out of my ears," she went on with a small laugh. Her mood had improved drastically from not that long ago and now she couldn't stop grinning. "Of course we do!"

Her head tilted to the side a bit as she raised a brow. "And what else have you been up to, huh?"


daridavison March 31 2007, 22:09:13 UTC
Dari wrinkled her nose at the talk of studying. "I think we might go mad before we even sit our NEWTs at this rate," she suggested. She'd be glad when they were over and done with, that was for sure, even if she was a bit nervous about life after school.

"Oh, er.." Dari gave her friend a slightly embarrassed grin as she asked that question. "The usual.. quidditch... Jeremy."

She bit her lip at that last bit, because spending time with Jeremy seemed to be something entirely different these days. It was odd, but in a good way, a happy way.

"Mostly spending time with Jer, I guess," she admitted, still grinning. "What about you?"


tris_darcy April 2 2007, 03:16:08 UTC
Tris laughed at that and nodded. "You know, I think you're right. And we thought our OWLs were horrid? I can't begin to imagine what these'll be like," she said with a bit of a sigh. Then again... she kept changing her mind about careers, didn't she? So that made things a bit difficult. "Ah, but we're already mad, so what's the difference?"

She pulled just the slightest bit of a face at that. It was strange to think about her friends, any of them, dating, but... hey, she couldn't do much to change that, now could she?

"Me?" She wrinkled her brow a bit, thinking about that. "Oh, you know. Quidditch, random encounters with friends, trying to not kill my roommate." She laughed and shrugged. "I mean, nothing interesting, surprisingly, but... I kind of like it that way."


daridavison April 5 2007, 05:13:20 UTC
Dari didn't really like that face she was seeing, but she didn't want to dwell on it. She knew Tris was happy for her and that's what mattered, right? Plus, she was happy. Still giddily so.

"I don't know how you live with her," Dari sympathized, gladly going for the slight change in subject. "But I guess it's good you've not been expelled for trying to kill her or anything."

No, Dari didn't like Tris' roommate AT ALL. Who could blame her?


tris_darcy April 10 2007, 22:21:49 UTC
Of course Tris was happy for her! Why wouldn't she be? Jeremy made Dari happy, so because of that, Tris was happy. Of course, in the unlikely event Jeremy ever did anything to hurt her, she'd have to kill him... but they'd cross that bridge if they ever came to it.

"A bloody miracle, that," Tris grumbled a bit as she shook her head. "You're incredibly lucky. You? Ended up with amazing roommates, while I got stuck with a wicked bitch." Sure, she was being a little dramatic, but... hey, she had every right to be, didn't she? "But, I only have... two months left? Think I can manage until then?"


daridavison April 11 2007, 05:21:30 UTC
"You've managed this far, Trissy, I'm sure you can do another few months," Dari assured her friend. Hey, at least Tris wouldn't have to deal with her anymore after school, but Dari.. Dari would likely see loads of the horrid girl, considering her closeness with Jeremy's brother.

"Well, Rin's a little weird?" Dari offered, though that was nothing compared to living with Savannah and she knew that her roommates were pretty amazing. Especially with Kiley. She'd really gotten lucky there, to have such an amazing friend for a roommate.


tris_darcy April 11 2007, 06:27:21 UTC
"Hopefully," she said. "I mean, I'd hate to kill my roommate just before NEWTs, you know? Talk about a waste of the past few years!"

Tris made a small face at that before laughing cheerfully and nodding. "Yeah, she is," she said through the laughter as she nodded. "But, so are you," she added in a teasing voice. "So I suppose it works out well, doesn't it?" Her grin widened a bit more. Sure, she didn't have the best roommate in the world, but she had a best friend in her house and year, plus Dari! So, that made up for the less pleasant things.


daridavison April 11 2007, 21:33:17 UTC
"Hey!" Dari swatted at her friend a little bit, even though she knew Tris didn't really mean it, or she didn't in a bad way, anyway. "I am no stranger than you are, thanks."

She laughed, anyway, though, because it had been a little funny. She really was going to miss stuff like this when they finished school, just walking through the halls, raiding the kitchen, being kids together.

"It's weird to think all this is almost over, isn't it?" she commented with a trace of nostalgia in her tone. "I'm going to really miss this place."


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