Stolen from
shardsofblu -
1. Most of us know how you got your LJ name. But are you still happy with it?
Yup...I actually like it more now. People try to guess what the gp stands for and I just love the answers I get. My favorite guesses are "Giant Panda" and "Gay Partners"....LOL
2. Would you change your LJ name if you could easily?
Nope. Mine suits me nicely.
3. Is your current LJ name fandom-based? If not, do you wish you could change it because of a new fandom?
My current LJ name is fandom-based but in the weirdest way. And no...I wouldn't change it. I love it.
4. Is there any LJ name that you've seen and thought "Wow, that's the cleverest thing I've ever seen! I wish I'd thought of that!"
Quite a few actually. Some I've even thought to myself "Why didn't I think of that?" But all is well that ends well.
5. If you could change your username, what are some possibilities and why? Give three or more, if possible.
Hmmm...good question...I'll have to think on that one...
1) Probably BatManda...because I am unoriginal and that is one of my nicknames
2) imAbatEman...for two reasons a) Bateman is a reference to American Phsyco which I loved and b) if you take out all the capital letters you get I'm Batman....which I am actually used in one of my fics that's currently somewhere in one of my many notebooks
3) BlackN'Blue...once again, two-fold. a) I love Batman(Black) and Superman (Blue) and b) that is what the bad guys look like after they have messed with said men *giggles* I'm such a dork.