The ZIMMER Legacy: GEN 0.4

Apr 05, 2013 05:13

Oh look! It didn’t take a month to update again lol I had some fun and LOTS of frustration on this chapter, but oh well. Hope you enjoy.

WARNING: Seriously PICTURE HEAVY! My wannabe photographer vein kicked in along with storytelling. So be prepared.

Bewhare of:
• 147 Photos @__@
• No Blurr , smex scenes
• A bit of language
• Story telling in part, sliiiight references to Harry Potter Universe
• Basegame up to Seasons in use
• A visitor sim by silvereriena

• Previously... •

0.0 * 0.1 * 0.2 * 0.3 - I * 0.3 - II

Previously on The Zimmer Legacy: Gen 0.3 - Part II…

The Sunnvorms dorm transformed into a pit of hormones inside a fight club. Everyone was hitting on each other/hitting each other.

Octavious at last gave in to Thea’s insistent charm and lost his virginity in the sexiest use ever of a hot tub. Thea started to not get enough of his… peacock. To try and fulfill her LTW she went on date after date with Octavious.

She graduated with GPA of 4.0 and left university and her lover behind, although he promised to meet her soon after he graduated. *cough*andviacheathedid*cough*

Thea came back to her house only to find her room was really transformed into a nursery for her step-baby-brother, William. After another fight with the parental powers, she moved out, taking Teeny with her.

Now free to do as she wishes, Thea decided to maintain her witch status secret. She travelled the world for a few months as a freelancer photographer. It was fun and all that, but she was missing a certain pointy-eared fellow and she decided to come back to Pleasentview. Low on money, she rented a loft in the rundown part of town, ready to find a job and settle down.

This being the said building.
(no mocking my building skills, ok? *cries* Damn that green…)
She managed to snag the loft by a reasonable price, considering the building used to be a factory and has no one else living there, it is sort of falling apart. But it was cheap... There is a shop on the lower floor, but it looks so dodgy that Thea tries her best to keep away from it. It’s probably a strip joint of something…

Being low on cash, Thea had no other option but to for for a minimalistic décor. Here is the entry lobby, Teeny’s living quarters with all his needs. And through the white door…

A quite nice bathroom. A single girl MUST have a nice spacious bathroom!

Small leisure corner, big sofa, TV and fireplace. And mommy’s portrait on the wall, the matriarch of the Zimmer Legacy.

And this the work corner, where Thea works the photos she takes and has some on display.

Open kitchen, I like this sort of open kitchenettes, it’s easier to move.

General view you get when you enter the loft. There is a treadmill too, it was missing on the other shots. And some of the big photos Thea has laying around… (all taken by me, actually XD)

And taking the stairs, you get to a upper platform where you find the bedroom. It’s a platform directly above the kitchen and has a skylight over the bed.

Better view of the bed… funky lighting I dunno why, the walls are all of the same color as the ones behind the bed.

With the house all furnished, Thea looked for a job, but since the Photography one wasn’t available for today, I sent her out into the town.

(more shameless picture spam, I built that lot lol)
Thea decided she needed some new clothes and a new haircut to start a new phase of her life.

Hair salon receptionist: Hello, how my I help you?
Thea:  I’d like to get a haircut, please.
Lizzie: *creeps up behind her cousin*

Lizzie: Fancy meeting you here!
Thea: Lizzie! You finished Uni too! What are you doing here?
Lizzie: Stalking Alex Alvius back over there… can’t get over how hot he is, I’m going to rape him when he goes to his car. What are YOU doing here?

Thea: Well you know, cutting my hair, I have a lot of split ends and such. Just a little trim, re-do the dreads maybe...

As Lizzie goes after Alex, Thea gets called by the free hair stylist.

Cute hair stylist: My dear, dreads are so yesterday! We absolutely MUST change that!
Thea: I just wan--
Cute hair stylist:  I know just what to do with you!
Thea: B-but--


And usually I always get a bit more than I asked for, my face looks like Thea's too, not really sure.

Cute hair stylist: Here you go! My you look good enough to eat!

Cute hair stylist: See?
Thea: *creepy Joker-like smile*

Thea: I kinda rocky my new hair!

While she likes it, I rarely leave the hair salon with a happy face lol

But DAAAMN this townie was cuuute!! THANK YOU GAME for at last giving me pretty Sims by your own initiative. I might just extract her and put her for download :)

Thea then went upstairs, to the clothing section to get herself some new threads too. Found anything you like?

Thea: Mhm… they are sort of poor in the punk clothing department.

Isn’t it time for you to outgrow that phase? Look behind yourself, you have some cute pumps behind your-- Thea?

Thea: *horsing around in a bikini in the MEN’S SECTION of the shop*

(shameless and unnecessary shop view… I’m proud of having decorated it lol)

But she at last chooses something and shells out some precious cash to pay for the clothes. And it’s getting late, you better head home, missy. No more shopping for today.

Have I mentioned how proud I am of this store? Lol Sorry, I just keep pic spamming, but I usually don’t get much change to do so. Anyway, Thea returned home with less hair e more clothing, it was a very positive day.

And so we time warp to the next money, with Thea again looking for a job.

And bingo! Dream career is on!*

* Okay, now I have to say I changed things. Since Thea had enough career points to be almost on the apex of the photography job, that was not what I wanted, having her getting a fat paycheck so soon. So I went to SimPE and reset her job to level 0, so she can rise and give this some interest and so she’d not be swimming in money so easily.

Of course that after seeing how much she had left after furnishing the house, paying the first bills (§142 btw), feeding Teeny and shopping, I started second guessing myself lol You better rise in the career, darling, you’re almost broke!

While she was working it started to rain and Dante thought it was a wonderful time to be hanging around outside her loft. Dante was a victim of an experiment that failed and he has disappeared from Thea’s acquaintance list. Guess he will have to befriend her once more. Let’s say he got amnesia lol.

And after the first day of work…

Thea: Damn, I’m da shit! Promoted on day 1!

Thank you, Jonah! You think you can get Peter Parker a raise too? XD

Thea was so happy that she went to spread the news of her promotion online. Seeing Octavious on the chat - (Octavious knows how to use a computer? O_o) - they talked for a bit, after all she was eager to reconnect with her Uni lover. It didn’t take long for him to ask if he could come over and check out her new place. So YES, of course!

Upon arrival, Thea  jumped on him like a PMSing woman over the last piece of chocolate cake! She didn’t even wait for him to come up.

Thea: Hi, my name is Thea and I’m a coffee addict.*

In the good tradition of hosting, a bit of coffee and conversation so they can see what they have been missing out on each other.

*You’ll see why soon…

Nothing like having one more perfect date for her LTW list… and I got a little surprised, or not lol, to see that Octavious wanted something more. Just in case one day he’d change his mind, I locked that want of his.

Thea: Still being da shit!

Another day, another promotion… I just disapprove of the job’s ‘uniform’. But hey, look! Flowers from Octavious! Awwww!

And that night he did that. Sneaked up to the door like a thief. Rang the bell. And ran off.
Seriously, WTF Octavious! What are you? 12?

*insert The Eye of the Tiger tune*
Typical Saturday, waking up and having some work out done, valid for all species in the house XD

Thea: Yo, guyz! House party yeah? Come on over!

But since nothing much happened all day, Thea decided to throw a house warming party. Lizzie, Eudora, Alex and Octavious, obviously, were called to attend.

Octavious: Juuuice!

Juice? At Thea’s house, Octavious? Pft, I don’t think so….

Lizzie: This is some good shit…

And it was definitively not juice, because when one started to smustle, everyone smustled too. At this point Alex had left, leaving his wife Eudora at the party.

Eudora: *completely wasted*

Octavious: *hick* @_@º

And no more ‘juice’ for you, Octavious Noir! Look at yourself! *shakes head*

Next day, by the state of the house, Thea knows the party was good. Too bad Octavious was out the door before she could ask him to stay the night. Drunk, but still sneaky he was.

But nothing like asking him out for dinner - that and Thea was having that want all the time. So, even under snow, the date was on. To IHOP XD. Very cool Lot btw.

Octavious: Thank you for inviting me out…
Thea: No problem, you hunky elf you. Oh look, you have something on your face.

Octavious: W-Where???
Thea: Right here-- *vacuum mouth in action*

I don’t think they’d eat at all and just get it on right there… so I made them have desert at least and bolt out of there before they got kicked out due to public indecency.

And just as they were making it out, I notedsilvereriena's John-Bob was there lol He sure is green, but he’s a cutie. And a good family-man, I remember.

And this is how their days always end :D I should really be counting how many Perfect Dates she has had, but I didn’t and now I don’t know how many she still needs. Oh well... when she dies I'll know.

More roses and promotions makes a Thea happy. Unhappy makes me that outfit tho.

Thea: *throwing a bitchy tantrum* Ugh what is this?? I CAN’T STAND IT!!

Remember me saying that Thea was a coffee addict? THIS is why! That coffee machine HAD to go. I wasted a day just letting her do whatever she wanted autonomously. All she did was drinking coffee! All day and all night! There were coffee cups EVERYWHERE! So I took the machine away, I had to.

With the coffee machine obsession of doom out of the way, Thea started having some other kind of urges. And to this one I am more than happy to help out with. How about a romantic dinner at home?

Thea: I have to go out shopping…

So off to shopping we go, bravely trudging through the snow. Another amazing Lot! :D

So, what are you going to cook for him?

Thea: Have no idea. I’ll just wing it and hope he won’t end up at the hospital.

Thea: It has to be special, I may up a married woman soon.

I approve of your way of thinking!

Thea: There goes my money…

Ssshh! This dinner will be worth your money… if Octavious has any to bring to the household, that is XD

And fed up to see the want for a car since day 1, I gave her the cheapest car there was, leaving her with only 328 Simoleons. Hope you’re happy now! On and see there, during of of their dates she rolled the want to marry Octavious. I locked it and this is the reason of what is going to happen next.

With a nice romantic table ready, it was time to invite in the guest of honor…

… and make him wait because dinner wasn’t ready yet.
(please don’t set the kitchen on fire! Not tonight! *prays*)

Octavious: So are we going to have one of those Perfect Dates? I hope we have a Perfect Date! I love our Perfect Dates!

Thea: We can have all the Perfect Dates your heart desires.
Octavious: I’d like that a LOT!

Taking in some bubbly to build up the womanly cojones to pop the question. Octavious, easy on the booze, we don’t want to repeat the house warming party scenario, do we?

Thea: Actually, talking about perfect dates… I was thinking about making it a more permanent deal. I Have something for you right here.
Ocatvious: ???

Thea: Open it.
Octavious: O_O It’s…. it’s… a box!

Octavious: With a girly, blindingly shinny ring inside! Is it for me?

I mock but I do love him lol This animation is so awkward when it’s a male being asked in marriage, they go all so girly, I don’t like it but there nothing one can do about that.

Octavious: *Tosses useless box over his shoulder*
Thea: *absurdly exited looking* I hope it fits!

Octavious: It’s just so shiiiiiiiny!

*waiting for Octavious to get his masculinity back… u__u*

Thea: I am glad it fits… you’re my bitch sex slave fiancée now…

Octavious: How come that giant ring floating over your head is all shinny and mine isn’t?
Thea: You had shinny on your finger not minutes ago. Let me have my shinny, if you don’t mind.

And since they are almost hooked up, I invited Octavious to move in and he did, bringing in some whooping 2.900 simolions. Nope, like in the RP, the boy is not rich, but it was a good addition to the house bank.

M-my Octavious! What’s with the beer-belly?? You were not like that in your teen years!! What happened to your abbs??? The shooock! I didn't see his spare tire untill he stripped, I am appaled! That suit of yours was deceiving!

Thea: Don’t mind the mean SimGodess my love… I know just the perfect way to burn some calories *sleazy eyebrow twich*

And first screen with Octavious as part of the family. Teeny actually likes him, asks for attention and all and didn’t hiss like when Barbara joined the family. Octavious sure is a keeper. But that deceiving suit has to go!

Octavious didn’t need a makeover, just on this clothes.

And here are Octavius’s stats: Family Sim, Virgin (not anymoooore, as seen on chapter 3.0 II…. XD) 8, 3, 6, 4, 4, with the LTW of becoming a chief of staff. He came already with a job in economics, he was a CEO already, but since that doesn’t go with his LTW, he will quit soon. He brought some stuff too on his inventory and, as you can see, the beer-belly.

And that, my good boy, is not acceptable in this house. Off to work out you go, all day on that treadmill if you must!

Promotion time and at LAST an acceptable outfit to go with it. More cash, I like that!

Octavious: Fit again in only a couple of hours! *flexes*

A bit too fit perhaps? Look at that waist.

Guys… seriously… too much luv! Okay, a date it is…

Right there! She is riiiiiight there, Octavious! Why on earth you’ll go down 4 floors to go and put that by the front door?? God, sims logic sometimes...

No, Angelica, he's not avaiable because a) he’s an engaged man now and b) he’s too busy cleaning. He actually likes it. So go bother someone else before Thea finds you and breaks your bones one by one.

This must be ex’s day or something. Syrus is still holding a grudge at Octavious for being hotter than him.

He only failed to see that stealing the newspaper from 2 weeks ago doesn’t really bother anyone XD

And then, one night…

Octavious: Say, my pearl,*we have been engaged for a few days now, and that’s like years for a sim… how about we get married? We’re not getting any younger.

*‘My Pearl’, term of endearment that Octavious uses for her in the RP. It’s cheesy, but don’t mock, he’s a sweet guy u_u

Thea: Will I have to wear heels? Me and heels don’t get along all that well and bridal shoes are the devil!

Octavious: They are expensive, but you don’t need them, anything you’ll wear will look wonderful on you *gooey faced*. Who needs and expensive marriage anyway?

Sleeping over the matter… mostly because at last Thea had the ring two, it took about one day to appear. 3D lashes would be awesome if they fallowed eye movement, but as they don’t…

Next Saturday, when neither of them works, we give start to the wedding shindig. Thea gets her third makeover , going back to her white hair because that’s what turns Octavious on, and damn she looks gorgeous, if I may say myself! Look at that face…. If you ignore the duck-lips, damn infection on female shots all over facebook that one. Annoys me to hell to see duck-face photos. Girls, duck-faced shots are NOT sexy!!! Here she was hearing music on her IPod, whistling, so this is a fake duck-face.

Teeny was curious about the flowers and, Octavious, you shouldn’t see the bride before the wedding, it’s bad luck!

Octavious: But she looks so--

OUT with you!

Teeny, don’t even THINK about it!

Actually, I have a picture of me with a carnaval ballroom dress in which my cat at the time was doing just the same thing..

Everything and everyone is ready, waiting on the bride, as guests we had Alex and Eudora, Lizzie and Dante, Leon and Minerva - LOL - Madame and Lord and Jacques Alvius*. Thea redfused to invite her father or stepmother. Octavious's dad would be here too if only he was in-game.

*parents and uncle of Leon and Alex and welcoming wagon of the first chapter.

Octavious looking might fine and taking his job seriously.

Here comes the bride, la-la-la-la…

She looks so pretty, *sobs*. And Lord Alvius is there on the back, either reminiscing over his own wedding or telling Dante to get married too already.

I like that Octavious likes what he sees :D Look at that happy man!

And that was supposed to be after the wedding vows, people… but who cares! My baby is getting married!

And with everyone at their stations, it begins.

Thea: With this ring, you shall be my sex slave husband forever and ever, until Slenderman Dementor Grim Reaper breaks us apart.
Octavious: *no objections*

Thea: Mwahahaha, you’re mine now!

Octavious: And with this ring, you shall be my little pearl wifey… to whom I will make babies either you want it or not, using all possible guiles… forever and ever.

Thea: I’m sorry baby, what was that you mumbled in the middle? I didn’t quite made it out.

Octavious: Nothing, my dear wife, I was only saying how much I love you…
Thea: Aaaww…


Thea: Honeymoon is going to be so awesome!
Octavious: *Smirks* It will... oh yes it will... it so will...

That is one dangerous man, right there!

Aww more smooching! This one was for the wedding album.

Ladies and Gentleman, Mr. and Mrs. Zimmer!

In the RP she adopts his name, here, since it IS the Zimmer legacy...

As Maid-of-Honor, Eudora breaks the bubbly for the toast to the newlyweds.

The males of the Alvius family think that Leon should be married too? LOL

And now with everyone in the same page, Eudora makes her speech about the bride...

Eudora: Ah, th Bride. I've known Thea for long, long time, ever since she told me Alex was checking my ass back in Uni, and I told her to back off on her interestb on him and the times I told her about the Matchmaker so she could get more coc--

And that is enough Eudora! Drink up, people! Cheers!

And more wedding shots for the album while everyone is drinking up.

Ugh, I wonder the babies that will come out of these two!

Then Dante thinks the party is going too slow and he jumps in to be the DJ... this is sort of scary XD

Cake time! Cake anyone?

That is one huge ass slice!

Thea: Here, open up, darling!

I swear I thought she would shove the cake into his mouth, like it happened with her father and stepmom. This is better anyway :)

Lizzie: So you really married him. You’re really uh, uh?
Thea: I am, I really am, Lizzie. A new life is starting.
Lizzie: Is it now? Any plans for your honeymoon?
Thea: Sex! Lots of amazing, steamy  sex!

And with a good time of a party the chariot arrives to take the newlyweds to their honeymoon. Octavious, darling, you don’t need to run tho! It is going nowhere without you! Someone’s eager I see…


And so they go, to give start to their honeymoon, out in style :)

Oh abs... so happy to see you again, so well defined! And stop looking adorable, for the love of god and consumate that marriage already!

Thea: You heard her... *purrs*

And so it happens, the first smexing as husband and wife!

Forgot to say that Octavious had already quit his job and got one as a medical specialist, I want to fullfil his LTW.

Damn you Syrus!! It's so odd that Sims get the Flu, of all things, when around a roach infestation.

And just because Thea is a married lady now, that doesn't mean her cooking as improved.
It hasn't.

Thea: This cough is killing me! *wheezing lungs*

Go to bed and you'll be fine in no time, you'll see.

New promotion, although being a medical photogtapher, dunno how pleasent that is though... Anyway, more money, double money with Octavious coming home from work.

And that was a night of fulfilling Wants. Octavious wanted a wormrat, I gave him one. Meet Squeak.

And Thea wanted a date… and you know how all their dates end like… U///U*

Teeny using the toilet like a Bawss distracted me, so much that when I heard the bells (over the music I was listening to)--

--this was all I saw. Didn't you have sex like, 2 minutes ago? Damnit Octavious why did you knocked her up in the couch?

Octavious: I have my wicked little ways...

See what I said before? This is a dangerous man who knows the power of the ACR! They only got married yesterday.

ACR was supper effective right in the morning. Thea only had to get up from bed.

Thea: I think I ate a bad shrimp last night...

I don't think that's it... I know you suspect, even more because you had no shrimp last night... the fishy shrimp kind, at least.

Thea: Mhm, baby I don't feel too good, I'm all nauseous, threw up three times already... You think I might be pregnant or is it only food poisoning?


No! NOOOOO! You got her father, you will NOT get her husband, you skank!
Octavious, don't dare to bring her home EVER again, you hear me??

I'll be watching you!!!!

Meanwhile, unless that shrimp is a growing mutant, Thea now knows she is most definitively preggers.
1º invisible baby pop! Oh, the shock! It will be one of those pregnancies, always running to the bathroom u__u

Octavious: Thea? Someone? The stove is on fire, what do I do???

Nothing, the sprinklers will take care of it, just stand back. You were doing suck a great job cooking, why this? Thea never set the stove on fire and she is cooking impaired.*

*not the stove... but she set herself on fire on the second day in the appartment, while making crepes suzette. u_u She actually died. I made the game crash to save her. So next thing I did was install the sprinkler because the firemen took too long to arrive and no one was there to help her.

With the pajamas the baby bump show propperly and Octavious gives his child some attention like the drooling father I think he will be.

Octavious: Hello baby, how are you in there? All warm an cozy? *cooing*

Octavious: What? You're hungry and mommy wants a burger? No problem, daddy will take care of it right away!

As Octavious leaves to work and Thea is on maternity leave, there isn't much she can do, so to keep her intertained and the fun bar up, I made her paint a shot from their wedding. Next will be her heir portrait.

And in the next morning, 2º pop! I noted the pink dust means nothing, but oh well... it's almost time for the stork to make a visit!

And here I stop with a small cliffhanger, because Thea has the baby next. Anyone willing to take wages on the gender and number of babies? XD

I’ll be back soon with….
The ZIMMER Legacy - Gen 0.5
Thanks for reading, see ya soon!


zimmer!legacy, sims 2, legacy

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