“Superstition” 1x12
This was a fun episode but I didn't like a lot of aspects of it. Calvin only caused all this trouble because he didn't trust May about how to stop the time loop in the previous episode. Then they show he's evil this episode by getting rapey and violent with members of his own family. All season he got blamed for stuff he had nothing to do with and now when he does legit evil stuff, there are no questions asked. He's forgiven. Now, that's not in his control but did Garvey know that? I don't get how Russ is the one that fell but Bea is the one that died.
“Marvel's Agents of S.H.I.E.LD.” 5x08
So, May was planning for the future. We'll see if that worked. Lots of people died.
“The Chi” 1x03
This is good but I don't know if I'm going to keep watching. I don't know if it's for me. I might check back in later.
“Counterpart” 1x01
I liked this. It was an interesting premise. Good performances. I'd like to see the differences between the two worlds.
“The Resident” 1x01
I wasn't feeling this. It felt like every other medical drama.