“Sailor Moon” 1x116-1x117
Usagi, Mamoru and Chibi-usa hung out as a family unit. It seems Hotatu has hung out as well.
The girls helped out Hotaru again. Sweet.
“The Whispers” 1x04
Sean reunited with his family. People noticed something weird is going on.
“The Fosters” 3x03
Callie helped out AJ. Brandon is not okay with getting a foster bro. Mariana helped out her family. She is still getting into something with Wyatt though. I like how they said they are not replacing Jesus on the same day that they recast him. Jude and his boyfriend started to process their trauma. Lena might have to mention her kiss with Monty soon. Read signals, people.
“Odd Mom Out” 1x04
Again, I like the friend way more than I like the protagonists. I think I'll drop it.