
Jul 02, 2007 18:57


TO: Auxilliary Writing Staff
FROM: Laura Cadman, Teyla Emmagen, Elizabeth Weir; Executive Committee
RE: Men In Uniform Challenge

Congratulations all on a job well done! Your scripts were made into a fantastic series of short films for the web, and our actors and crew were all thrilled to have such wonderful words and directions to work with. Additionally, the graphics produced were gorgeous. It is truly inspiring to have such incredible resouces at hand.

We will keep the area on the site for "Men In Uniform" short films open, so feel free to contribute scripts at any time.

Management is happy to provide you with the challenge of our next series of scripts: "Romantic Moments." We'd like to see stories that center on our gentlemen (and don't forget the ladies!) and their gentler side. We want to see what you can come up with to illustrate the ways our guys and girls figure out to keep the romance alive in their own lives and onscreen. We expect this section of web films to be very popular. Hey, who doesn't like romance? Don't feel that you have to confine yourselves to fluff - romance can mean a lot of different things, and our guys and gals have been through a lot to find their way together. Sometimes the journey is the most interesting part.

Script submissions should be handed in around the end of the month.

Happy Writing!


challenges: #2 - romantic moments

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