10 Facts About Eishirou

May 23, 2008 21:20

I'm on a plane to Tokyo right now. I'm also very bored. The man next to me won't shut up about his wife and kids. I'm going to write 10 things about myself that no one else knows.

10. As much as I love to act flamboyant and dress fashionably, I have no desire for a boyfriend. Nor do I have a desire for a girlfriend.

09. I'm terrified of moving to Tokyo for fear of earthquakes.

08. I've never had a best friend. I've always been with a group of friends.

07. Even though I'm from the islands, I hate surfing. Can't exactly wear glasses while doing it, and salt water always gets in your eyes which is disaster if you've contacts in. It kinda sucks if you're terribly blind.

06. Speaking about glasses, I've worn them since 3rd grade. So even now, I feel strange if I don't wear them. I like their weight on my nose. And plus, when I talk to people, it gives me something to do with my hands. I think it makes me look more imposing.

05. I've had the same hairstyle for 2 years. Because I can't think of another hairstyle.

04. I'm lactose-intolerant. I really, really get sick when I have even skim milk.

03. I really don't like violence, but I condoned it on my team for respect and fear of my authority.

02. The reason I'm left handed is because I broke my right hand in second grade. I just decided to write with my left hand and didn't stop. I'm actually ambidextrous.

01. When I'm at home, I always wash my hair out right away, and put it into a short ponytail. It really is that long, you just can't tell.

Do you know more about me now? Wow, that took up the entire plane ride. I shall update when I get to Inui-san's house tonight.
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