If you know me, I really want to read this book. Every single book blog that I have checked out has been giving The Iron King rave reviews. Plus, it's going to be one of the books for my 2010 Debut Author Challenge. I truly think I have not actually read any 2010 debut authors this whole year. Tsk, tsk, I know. But I don't get to read much. I've got this whole shelf of books to read from Green Zone to James Patterson.
Okay, okay. Back on subject, I really want this book because:
1. Faeries are awesome
2. I find Team Ash vs. Team Puck very entertaining
3. Too many rave reviews to count
Whose side are you on?
To enter the giveaway go to:
http://www.thebookcellarx.com/2010/04/faery-face-off-ash-vs-puck-contest.html for more details. You can enter there or you can enter 3 other places, but you can only win once. At this link you will find that there is a list for Team Ash. There are two book bloggers for Team Ash, and two for Team Puck. Each side has made a very specific list convincing you to join a side.