I have been stabbed. Onoz!

Jun 07, 2006 17:18

I gave blood today. First time ever. Slightly nervous experience, but it went well. Didn't experience any dizziness or anything, just had some water and some cookies and left. Arm stings a bit, but it's not bad. I'll finally get to see what my blood type is (never had the opportunity til now).

Other than that, my work at EA has been progressing. I'm getting there with what I have to do.

Additionally, because we're complete and total geeks there, we've managed to stump ourselves. Here is the problem. Cookie to anyone that figures this out (bonus points for proofs), as I'm stumped.

Okay, get a piece of paper, a drawing implement (preferably pencil with eraser) and a ruler.

Draw a square, 10cm by 10cm (that's 4in by 4in).

Now in this square we're going to define a curve by some lines, so take the ruler and draw some lines in the square. The lines will need to follow these rules. They will go from the bottom line of the square to the right side of the square and WILL ALL BE 10CM (4IN) IN LENGTH. What you should be creating are lots of triangles by putting in a hypoteneuse. All the triangles should be right angled (the bottom right corner). Doing this many times should define a curve. I want to know what the equation of that curve is (note, the curve is not 1/4 of a circle, unfortunately).

Good luck!

edit: included an image for it

That blue curve is for reference, and is a quarter circle passing through the graph (in case you didn't believe me that it didn't map a quarter circle).

Assume that you've got a unit length graph (i.e. those 10cm lines are of unit length)

Finally. I have a Corey (albeit a faraway Corey) and she is the most beautiful and awesomest Corey in the whole world. So there.
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