My Stories - Fic Archive

Jan 19, 2015 14:19

I have written in three fandoms: Doctor Who (Doctor/Rose), Harry Potter (Harry/Ginny) and X-Men movieverse (Logan/Rogue).

Currently my muse is obsessed with the Doctor and Rose. It looks as though any fic I write in the next while will be celebrating those two. But, if you've seen my current work, and are looking to dredge up my past - here be my archive.

Doctor Who

The Six Stages of a Human Time Lord Biological Metacrisis (Or How I Stopped Worrying and Learned to Love the Frosting)
Spoilers: Journey’s End, obviously.
Rating: Adult. Unabashedly adult.
Characters: TenII/Rose, Jackie
Summary: You may have heard this one before. The Doctor learns to adapt. This time with the help of a few fights, a baby TARDIS, love and, eventually, sex.
Stage One: Babbling For Your Life
Stage Two: The Oncoming Tantrum
Stage Three: A Few Bits and Bobs
Stage Four: The Untempered Lust
Stage Five: The Fear Vortex
Stage Six: The First of the Part Human Time Lords

The Six Stages of Meeting A Younger Looking Regenerated You (Or, Zen And The Art Of Metacrisis Maintenance)
Characters: TenII/Rose, Eleven, Ten (briefly)
Rating: Teen mostly. Chapter Three is Adult.
Summary: When The Six Stages of a Human Time Lord Biological Metacrisis ended, Rose and the Doctor were both feeling very magnanimous towards the full-fledged Time Lord. Sometimes reunions are easier in theory than in practice.
Stage One: Genuine Shock and Drama
Stage Two: My Hair, My Hair, My Precious Hair

Beware The Snog-O-Loff!
Spoilers: Journey’s End
Characters: TenII/Rose, Jackie
Rating: Teen
Summary: Napping is good. Even better with two.
Warning: The sugar is so sweet, it might be a bit cracky. I should probably be very ashamed.

These Are The Sofas Of My Lives
Rating: Teen
Characters: Nine/Rose, Ten/Rose, TenII/Rose, with interrupting cameos by Jack and Mickey
Series: Intended to comply with my Six Stages of a Human Time Lord Biological Metacrisis universe.
Summary: There are no bedrooms on the TARDIS. That would be too domestic. And if the consequences happen to involve sofa snuggling discussions of Shakespeare, exes, the power of a name, and yes, marriage, so be it.

Furbies, Altars and Shagging, Oh My!
Spoilers: Journey’s End
Characters: TenII/Rose
Rating: Adult
Summary: Rose and the part human Doctor are forced to shag! Or else be horribly inconvenienced.
Author's Note: Sex crack aimed at the Shag! Or! Die! cliché. Not to be taken seriously on any level.

Sex, Love and Time
Rating: Adult (See above re title.)
Characters: Doctor 10.5 / Rose
Summary: The Doctor learns a number things during his first night as a part human Time Lord.
Author's Note: Written for the Support Staci Auction - Christmas 2008. Won by wiggiemomsi and gifted to the_tenzo.

Harry Potter

Bewitched and Bewildered
Complete - 8 Chapters
Rating: R
Genre: Dramedy, Romance
Summary: Harry finally manages to rejoin the world of the living, only to find himself falling for the one girl who claimed to have given up on him. Now what is a bloke supposed to do? Deals with the emotional roller coaster of coming out of depression and the delicious perils of first romance.
Notes: Written prior to HBP, so only canon to OoTP. But still a fun read of how Harry/Ginny could have come to be.

Bumbling Towards Ecstasy R Version
Bumbling Towards Ecstasy NC17 Version (password required)
A WIP - will be 10 Chapters
Rating: R/NC17
Genre: Dramedy, Romance
Summary: Harry finally manages to survive his professed destiny. Now what is a bloke supposed to do?
Sequel to Bewitched and Bewildered. Picks up the story a year and a half later - immediately following the final battle. Because life doesn't end five minutes after you beat the Big Bad, and winning the girl is only half of the story. Deals with learning how to cope with fame, a long term relationship and other perils of adulthood.
Notes: Started prior to HBP, so only canon to OoTP. HOWEVER - as it deals with life after Voldemort, apart from a few minor details, it very much still fits with HBP as well.
Note on ratings: Please select the R version if you are underage. I do believe, however, that the NC17 version is the better story. And be aware, if you pick the R you will miss out on Ginny's reaction to seeing Harry naked for the first time. And if that doesn't tempt you, I don't know what will.

Something Gold
Complete - One Shot
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Dramedy, Romance
Summary: Before he can start his search for the Horcruxes, Harry must face an even greater challenge - muddling through his one last golden afternoon of happiness.
Notes: Written after HBP. A "takes place at Bill and Fleur's wedding fic" but as I apparently viewed Ginny's reaction at the end of HBP a lot differently than many other author's, hopefully this one is atypical.

Itsy Bitsy Spider
Complete - One Shot Ficlet
Rating: PG-13
Genre: Humour, Romance
Summary: The end of The Half Blood Prince is not Spiderman. Ginny explains why.

harry/ginny, stories

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