Feb 07, 2008 15:00
I have come to the realization that there are two types of people in this world... givers and takers... selfish and selfless.. heartless and considerate. Yea.. I know.. not a HUGE shocker to anyone .. not even me. But it still torques my chain...
I just don't understand how some people can just carry on like there is nothing wrong after the fallout of a relationship. How could you lose your right arm and pretend like it didn't happen... or that there isn't a problem. I DON'T UNDERSTAND PEOPLE. And mabye I'm TOO kind for my own good. Maybe I care TOO MUCH for my own good. I'm not saying that people should wallow around in self pity or even wear their breakup like a coat of armor forever.. but geezycreezy... how about SOME compassion????? Some sign that you ARE actually bothered by what's happened.. some sign that you ARE actually human and that you actually DO give a shit that you have destroyed someone's life and their heart is breaking....
I am all about those relationships ending if they are toxic. If the person leaving has been beaten and abused. Or lied to or cheated on. Broken and destroyed. But NOT if the person they are leaving has done nothing wrong. They followed the rules. Lived by the book. Did everything in their power to make every day "right". I'm not naive enough to know that sometimes relationships just don't work. I get that. But is there really any reason to be heartless about it in the end? Sending those little signals of "You're not worth my time anymore"... or... "my life is better now that YOU"RE not in it".... I mean..what's the point. I can ONLY hope that Karma's dance card isn't full and goes beating down the door of those that deserve it.
I am amazed at how people 'pretend'.. and aren't true to themselves or those around them. POSERS. FRAUD. LIARS. FAKES... whatever you want to call them... I have no use for it. No one deserves to be put thru hell -- all the vows and promises -- to be tossed aside like an old rag doll.
Maybe I'm just the last of a dying breed...fuck the Tin Man people of the world.. I HAVE A HEART !!!
Thats my rant for the day
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