ok I don't see many people here much anymore, but for those of us that are, here's a bit of an update from me on the new movie that came out today :) Please read under the cut for some Neville/Lunaness {possible spoiler}
I honestly believe we're being set up for some major Nevelle/Luna up ahead in the films. Not MAJOR major, but compared to the actual books, major enough. There were definite Neville/Luna moments in movie 5, and maybe Yates was just reading too much into the 6th book, but it seemed like it was just a taste of what's to come. True maybe he threw a couple little things in there just in case, or just to make EVERYone happy, but I still believe he plans on more for them, as in shipping them, in the 6th film. Of course we'll have to see what really happens in the 7th book. {ah, so bitter sweet} but anyway, that's my lil update.
I do believe there's possible Neville/Luna in Deathly Hallows. I honestly don't think either of them have what it takes to really be romantic {{I do believe Ron does, yes... For all of you ready to type "And Ron DOES?"}} But it's slightly inevitable that Neville end up with someone too and who better than an already established character that he seems to connect with? Then again, JKR might just be teasing all of us by making it seem like there were actual feelings there the way Luna seemed to pay a little more than the usual attention to Neville at the end of the 6th book. But either way I really enjoyed the little moments in the movie and I know JKR won't let us down regardless of who ends up with who. I mean, after all, it HAS to make sense... That's the only way it'd gotten published! hih.
So anyway, enjoy the movie for all of you who hasn't seen it yet!!! And give us your take on the Neville/Luna moments. If you think anything was really there or not...