Medical Profile

Jul 15, 2011 01:51


Name: Kang
Age: ~46 years
Sex: Male
Height: 7’0”/183 cm
Weight: 372 lbs/168.7 kg

[X] Magical by nature/practices magic.
[ ] Can't have magic used on.
[ ] Contagious (see notes).

Draconian (Bozak)

Average Lifespan: Unknown*
Rate of Maturity: Unknown*
Average age of Puberty: Unknown*

Normal Diet: Meat, vegetables

Common Ailments: Unknown

Specific Notes: Reptile, poikilothermic. Carefully monitor amount of anesthetics given. Heals slightly faster than a human, bones explode upon death (only remains are ash and bone fragments). Can survive on less food and water than a human.

* Species was created through magical means. First generation reached adulthood by ~1.5 years; second generation in patient's point of timeline is no older than ~1.75 years and no larger than a human child at that same age.

Patient's daughter (age 10) seems to be maturing physically at the same rate or slightly higher than the average human.


All of the following sense-related questions are to be answered in comparison to an average Homo sapiens. Ask your medical provider for assistance in answering this section.

Vision: [ ] Fine | [ ] Near Sighted | [ ] Far Sighted | [X] Enhanced
Blood Pressure: [X] Average | [ ] Low | [ ] High

If Enhanced, further explain: Low-light and daytime vision are more acute, can see into the infrared spectrum when no light is available.

Hearing: [ ] Deaf | [ ] Low | [X] Average | [X] High Range | [X] Low Range | [ ] Extremely Sensitive

If necessary, further explain:

Smell: [ ] Cannot Smell | [ ] Low | [ ] Average | [ ] High | [X] Extremely Sensitive

If Extremely Sensitive, further explain: Can recognize a person, animal, or object by scent if within the general vicinity, but cannot track.

Known Allergies: None

Are there any potential complications with healing processes we should be aware of when treating you?: No

Do you have a healing factor different from the average for your species? If so, explain how here: No

Have you recently been screened for species, sex, and age specific cancer risks?: No

Special notes on care: None

Record of Past Injuries: Multiple lacerations to torso and all extremities. Multiple scars, mostly minor. Most notable scars: back of left thigh, lower back (along the spine), entirety of right hand, end of tail. Has broken right wing over two decades ago.

Ship Health Records: Surgery (nerve grafts in right hand); multiple wing lacerations; acid burns on end of tail; dislocated shoulder (left); broken wing (left); broken forearm (left, compound); twisted ankle (right); infected with rage virus; severe hypothermia.


Have you ever been sexually active?: Yes

Are you currently Sexually Active: No

Have you recently been screened for STIs?: No

Species specific sexually related health notes and/or issues: None

Reproductive Health (skip if N/A)

Date of Last Menses/Estrus/Equiv (skip if n/a):

Number of pregnancies:

Number of pregnancies carried to term:

Age of first birth/hatching/etc. (if applicable):

Total number of births/hatching/etc.:


Are you or should you be on any prescribed medication? If so, list below: None

Have you taken any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances in the past? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: Alcohol, near daily.

Do you currently take any recreational or non-prescribed drugs or substances? Is so, please list them and their frequency of use below: Yes, near daily.

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