Fuck variance

Feb 23, 2012 23:11

Played 2/5 tonight and just got raped by the deck and lost my discipline and the rest of my chips. Bought in for $500, started off by winning a decent pot with the nut straight, 56o on a K47r flop, called a $20 bet, turn is a 3h putting a flush draw on the board, kid oop bets out $45, guy on my right raises to $115, I smooth call knowing that I have the best hand, the original bettor folds. River is a Jh bringing in the flush, player on my right checks, I go all in. Hes in the tank, he's asking whether or not I hit the flush. I told him that I might have hit the flush. He then asks me if he can just call for $50 instead of $200, I told him that I can't do that, it has to be all in. He eventually calls with 5s6s for a chop. We both win a little money and we chop it up. Later on I get AQo one off the button. UTG made is $10 to go and got 3 callers so I decide to call with most likely the best hand in position just wanting to play pot control. Flop comes AQ3 rainbow. FUCK YEAH BABY! Checks around to me and I fire $50 into $60, get one caller in the big blind, the rest fold. Turn comes another 3. He checks to me again, this time I bet out $85, he thinks for about 20 seconds and then raises me another $100. I thought at this point that villain did not have a 3, but maybe a hand like AT-AK, so I just flat call and hope to bluff catch all rivers. River card comes 6s, and villain surprisingly checks to me. So I make it $205 on the river... he waits for about 10-15 seconds and calls. I table my hand immediately and he freezes, I know I won. He mucks his hand and said he was hoping for a chop... all I know is normally I don't call for chopped pots in that spot. Anyways, later on in the session I pick up pocket aces, bullets, rockets, admiral ackbar, all good things. I have a few limpers in the pot so I bump it up to $30 preflop, I get 3 callers and I'm in position. Flop comes down KdJd6s. All 3 check to me, I make it $80 to go in a $120 pot, 1 fold, and a really lose player says "fuck it im all in". The other player folds and the action is back on me. It's about $160 to call.. pot is laying me odds of about $440-160 to call, getting close to 3-1 on my money, I figure with so many draws on the board that he would push with, I have to call with the Ad blocker. I was right, guy had 4d5d for a flush draw. Turn 7 river 3, FML. Now I'm only up about $200. No problems though, I was playing well and just got unlucky. 10 hands later I pick up AQo one off the button, I had one limper in the pot, I made it $30 to go preflop, button folds, blinds fold limper calls my raise. Heads up for $77, flop comes AcQh4c, top two! He checks to me, I make it $65 to go, he calls. Turn card comes 6s and he checks again. I bet $145, and he calls again. River is a 3c, and he goes all in for $13, trivial call Im getting like over 30-1 on my money, guy flips Kc7c for a rivered flush. YOU GOTTA BE FUCKIN KIDDING ME.

Go get some aromatherapy, come back, get 88 and call a $20 raise, only to have it bumped up to $85 preflop. Easy fold, fml though that he has an overpair. I get ATo on the button, one limper, the loose asian, CO makes it $20 to go, I call on the button, blinds fold and the loose asian guy calls. Flop is A45r. Checks to the raiser, CO makes it $55 to go, I call on the button, loose asian says fuck it im all in. CO immediately folds, and after a while I decide to call. In retrospect I think it was an easy fold considering the flop was so dry, what worse hands does he push here? None I think. He has A5 for aces up and hits a 5 on the river to pour salt in the wound.

I think I'm playing very well a lot but I am finding myself calling off a lot of money with just one pair lately, and I need to focus on not spewing in these spots. What I should have done this hand is just folded and left for home. I was literally doing nothing for myself calling the all in except saying goodbye to about $300. So I left down $500... so pissed. I have been running so terrible the past week. It really makes me reconsider what I'm doing. I understand that it's gambling and sometimes I lose in these spots, but it just sucks so bad when skill can set you up to win a huge pot and then you just get fucked by the deck. So disheartening sometimes... here's to running better and not spewing with TPGK to a maniac. What the fuck was I thinking?
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