(no subject)

Jul 20, 2007 23:44

So, I haven't updated this in approximately an eternity. Here goes.

To give a brief summary of my life in the past months that I have not updated, let me start from around the winter-time.

I went on my family ski-trip up to New Hampshire / Maine this winter again. Good times there. Same place as every year, Town and Country Motor Inn at Gorham, NH. Beautiful place. This year was more focused on just having fun, seeing as El Nino was about and making his presence known, the boarding was okay at best. I still had an awesome time. From here, I began to have little things here and there. It all got a lot worse in February. At the beginning of the month, I got my first college rejection letter. Worcester Polytech. Not that big a dissapointment, but it still feels weird when people say that they don't want you around and they don't know your potential or anything. Then I got a second rejection. Boston University. That hurt a bit more. From here, my mom started pressing on me about her financial issues and went as far as to yell at me because I was moving out at the end of my senior year (which I had told her I was going to do at the beginning of my junior year, she didn't take my forewarning). From there, my girlfriend was under the extreme impression that she was pregnant. The next day at school, I got my grades. I was failing three classes, of which I didn't know how the fuck that happened. So at this point I was feeling like total shit. Then, on Valentine's Day out of all days, my dad has a heart attack. There was more that was happening, but that sorta tipped the iceberg. I've been depressed for about 3 years now, good at hiding it, but at this point it was hard. Countless sleepless nights, etc. Things got progressively better that month but of course, with ups there are downs.

From there, I got waitlisted at UMass (which was actually a mistake on their end, but they told me that in May). I flipped. Didn't want to go to college. I had made Northeastern's waiting list which was awesome, but this killed me. Fast forward to around May, my mom had already been fighting with me. More-so she had been fighting with my Dad. About money. That was ridiculous. Watching my parents fight not over me, but who's getting the money, is depressing. It's like, "Lets pretend to care about Nate, but oh wait, child support money is nice. What? Who's Nate?
" From there, I had it. I sat my parents down and yelled at both of them for a good solid 15 minutes. From there, both of them had apologized. My dad did first. He did it voluntarily. My mom won't admit it, but my dad prodded her to do it before she did something detrimental between the both of us. After this, I got laid off from my job. I got a new one a week later.

From here, it's been eas(ier)y sailing.. going to UMass Amherst in the Fall (got a free ride, too), my girl friend and I have been going out for 10 months 6 minutes ago and I love her to death. Things are looking up.

All I can say is that during this time, four people have kept me sane, and I'd die for them. My love is endless for these people. Megan, Tom, Jeff, and Justin. You guys kept me going. Thank you so much.

And now.... I'm off.


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