where to start?
Everything effects everything in my life it's all sort of connected through me. At the end of last month I went to cort not once but twice. Faced an eviction and the start of child support hearings. the latter was started by social services started it and in a way I'm sort of glad, but the "emergency child support order" that was decreed as based on how much I made last year, last year when I had overtime more often then not. I havn't had ot worth talking about this year in fact that's alot of the cause of the other court appearance I made that week. I never quite realized just how much I was relying on overtime to make ends meet. If I had really thought things out earlier I probably would have tried looking for a second job before just recently. Yup, you heard right, I've decided that I need a second job just to make ends meet and maybe dig myself out of this whole of debt. That brings me to my plans for tomorrow, tomorrow I'm going down to the county office building to try to see about an emergency loan to help catch up my rent.
Of course, all of the money problems has done nothing for my self worth, and left me sort of depressed. Didn't help that I fell victim in starport ge to someone who found a way to cheat. And my lack of finding anyone that likes me, even for a reason besides me, doesn't really help. I've been thinking of Raye alot latley. Even though I've vowed to myself (and now to all my imaginary readers) that I'm not going to write comments on her livejornal anymore, I still wish her the best.
A side issue is the ultra brief relationship that I had as my most recent. we met through Yahoo personals, she found my add there, and well after about a week it came to me that although she was cheering me up some, I couldn't really see a future with someone as religious as she was, and then I broke it off as gentle as I could, but still she blew up in my face more or less. I never told her why, never really did get a chance. Oh well. I'm trying to get to know someone new but she's fairly closed off and I don't really have alot of confidence right now.
Work, the job that I've had for almost 3 years, is slow going, maybe it'll go under, I don't know, the outlook isn't looking all that great but I'm willing to give it all that I an while it is still up or until I can get a better job. As for the second job, I havn't yet started it, or even heard back yet, however, I still think it's likely that I'll be working at a gas station just across the street from my home. At least that's what I'm hopping.
I've been told on a dozen occasions that Moon's mother, Jen is separated from the guy she left me for, but I've been lied to before from her regarding any thing that might give her any sort of advantage, be it monetary or sympathetic. So I'm not sure if I believe her or not. Moon is for the most parts Happy but I miss her and sometimes think that I'm not being the best father for her that I could be, I know that kind of thought is one of the things that is depressing me, but I still can't shake it for long
web thingy:
You Are Cyclops
Dedicated and responsible, you will always remain loyal to your cause.
You are a commanding leader - after all, you can kill someone just by looking at them.
Power: force beams from your eyes
Which of the X-Men Are You?