Since I'm bored at work, I thought I'd write out my thoughts on chapter 94. I'm saddenned that in this chapter so full of Hughesy goodness that he's taken such a sharp dive in the popularity polls. Well, at least Old School Greed is getting up there... I always wonder why Envy's so high on the list. But then, I also wonder the same about Hawkeye, which shows I'm out of synch with a large chunk of fandom in general. Winry's really taken leaps and bounds upwards in the past few polls, hasn't she? Poor Armstrong was beaten by his sister in her very first appearance... and Izumi's dropped from the top 20 completely.
In this chapter, rather than view an epic battle between the Colonel and Envy, we watched the Flame Alchemist have a one-sided smack down on him until he managed to get away. The spot-light of the chapter was certainly stolen by Hawkeye, who seemed like someone less capable of fighting on even footing with a Homunculus. Of course, this wasn’t the case. Despite the fact that guns have been proven to do nothing against the zombie-homunculus and against Lust, she’s doing as much damage as the walking human weapon Roy Mustang himself. Roy’s been established as an alchemist, which they’ve spent the entire series building up as such effective fighting machines that half of the population view as menacing death machines worthy only of scorn and distance. That Hawkeye can pick up standard military issue guns and be on more or less equal footing there is a little ridiculous, but it did make for a more exciting battle than Envy’s game of hide-and-seek with Roy.
Royai fans will cry this chapter, as they are decidedly not on any grounds more personal than it shows in every other scene. They are not of a relationship where they call each other by name when alone, or, as Envy says even “that close of friends.”
Sure, he was more worked up over Havoc, but back then Havoc was a bloody, pierced mess; she is, decidedly, another one of his ‘taisetsu na buka’ and nothing more. Saving her is an afterthought to his important, blinding goal of revenge for Hughes. He’s so caught up in his vengeance quest that when Hawkeye has a gun to the back of his head, he’s still only more concerned with Fullmetal handing over Envy so that he can kill him properly.
That Ed came back worried for Roy’s state as a cold blooded killer consumed by his own lust for vengeance, as discussed with Scar, makes me really look forward to the next chapter. RoyEd fans will seemingly get quite a lot to fuss over. Of course, they’re not canon, either, but given their relationship has strayed from one of professionals long ago, it makes it more weighted somehow than Hawkeye’s gun at his head. Add to that the fact that Scar is there, along with Hawkeye, and I wonder if it’s going to be three on one or if they’ll take a break from the action chapters and have a chatty one? I always enjoy scenes that flesh out Roy and Ed’s relationship. It’s very interesting and complex. I bet they’ll pull at the heart strings with Hughes, too. I suspect Scar will get an anti-vengeance talk, too.
Best Line of the chapter goes to Roy Mustang: “Don’t fuck with me! I’m telling you to butt out!”
So much for that ‘watch my back’ line holding much weight to him when he’s really worked up. I’d say let’s see if Ed can whip some sense into him, but given that a certain someone made the mistake of leaving him alive last time, I can’t say I see any sense to not letting Roy get his revenge right now. Granted, I’m made of much weaker moral fiber than most of the cast of FMA….