Eh~~ I always had a feeling you were a masochist to begin with~~ As it helped explain how you managed to put up with me and the various shit I pulled through the years~~
... ...If you're referring to the side effect that you're going to get excessively horny and potentially also end up with an erection against your free will~~? ...Mmmm, nope~~ He wasn't joking~~ In a higher dosage, it works well as a long-lasting sleep aid...but in a lower dosage, it serves as...a long-lasting herbal Viagra~~♥ And I'm sure Ojii-san also enjoyed sharing details about how *he* personally makes use of it in his little note~~ As a result, you sometimes get the effects of the lower dosage at the higher dose as well~~ ...So have fun with that during your flight, Peaches~~♥
But I'm game for going out and doing something, though~~ ...Preferably something indoors...Because, yeah, it's fucking cold and I don't really feel like freezing my ass off...
Well, now you know for certain~ ♥ No more speculation on the matter; it's a proven fact now~ Besides, maybe it was you that helped me discover my masochistic side, with all the shit we maybe I should be thanking you~ ♥
...oh, just fucking great. Because there's nothing better than a 12-hour hard-on, right? THAT will make the flying experience more comfortable~! I was...trying to ignore that part of the note, really...would you like to come read it~? No reason I should be the only one to have all the mental images of our grandparents, you know~ And just how do you propose I have "fun" with anything during a...flight, Sunshine~? what can you think of that is both really active AND indoors~?
Well, I do try my best to help my friends realize their full potential in things, no matter what it is~~♥
It wouldn't last for *that* long~~ As you'd probably start feeling lightheaded and faint-ish as a result of all your blood rushing to your nether regions the entire time if it were the case~~ However, you'll probably have to put up with it for at least four hours if you choose to ignore it~~ It honestly wouldn't bother me that much if you did show it to me...You're forgetting who you're talking to~~ I became immune to that kind of shit back when we were still kids thanks to 'Toutou-san~~ Plus some help from your own father and then Ojii-san starting to go over the lessons of the Kama Sutra once I entered middle school when they realize my libido had started to kick in...Hence why I can easily talk about Ojii-san going down on Nan~~♥There's bathrooms on airplanes~~ Go jerk off in one of them~~ It'll probably help relax you some in the process as well as get rid of that bothersome hard-on~~♥ ....Or hopefully, anyway~~
You speaking for experience there or something~? Still doesn't sound entirely comfortable, and I'm not at all sure how I'd explain it to Kei..... Fine...then you get to read the lovely note because...yeah...I can't keep this to myself~! And just...shutupshutupshutup!! You might be okay with it, but I'm really not, because she's well, Nan, and that's just...NO~! Mmmm...but it's boring, jerking off alone in an airplane bathroom~ I'd rather just ignore it and save it up for landing~ ♥
Always~~♥ ...Or at least for those who deserve it best~~
I've tried it in the lower dosage, yes, so I *do* have a good idea of how long it'll last well the effects work~~ ...And since Kei will probably end up reading this, I think he'll at least be semi-ready for when it happens to you~~ ...This shit's awesome for when you two ever *do* get around to going at it, btw~~ If you insist~~ But I guess being the so-called pervert among the gang causes me to have higher tolerances to a lot of things~~ ...Like geriatric porn~~♥ Of course, I was also highly influenced by the male side of things, so for the most part, when Ojii-san mentions his exploits, all I'm thinking is "hey, you go, old man~~!" Then save it for then if you really want to ignore things~~ I still think it'd help you, though...And you can always pick things back up once you're on solid ground and in your hotel~~♥
Somehow...I am not surprised by that~ One would think someone as...mmm...virile as you wouldnt need the extra help, though...unless you really are all talk, hmm~? ♥ And reading about someone's hard-on isn't quite the same as sitting next to it on the plane, even you have to admit~ I'm thinking...I'd like to try the sex without the enhancements, first...I think, between the two of us, we can work up enough passion for that~ ♥ See, that's the slight difference between got brought up immersed in perversion, while I got brought up with a much different view of my grandmother...such as...I'll let you see the pictures and you tell me, how you feel about it~ You think jerking off helps everything, you sweet little perv~ ♥ Mmmm, you seem pretty sure that anything at all is even going to happen in the hotel room, Hiro-chan~
Oh, I don't need the extra help~~ But I do enjoy finding out more about the extent of my limits~~♥ ...Haven't you ever been curious about the same~~? ...Though Kei hearing about things this way should make things easier for you, as opposed to him just simply realizing you've got a spontaneous hard-on during your flight~~ So it's still helping you~~ Never said you had to try it right off the bat, and I definitely wouldn't recommend doing so anyhow.....You can accomplish plenty without it~~♥ But eventually~~? Give it a try~~ It's worth it~~ I wouldn't say *immersed*, per se~~ Just that I had a heavy understanding of things from an early age~~ ......Even if it took me longer to make use of them than it did you...That's because it does, as far as I'm concerned~~ ...Or at least for all those more pervasive needs, it does~~ So I can't say it's a bad thing to have happen~~♥ ...And I have faith, Rin~~! You two shall be on your own without the rest of us or anyone else to pester you during certain times~~ Which
( ... )
Mmmm...I haven't been curious lately, no, I have to admit. I find it helps to have a sex life before doing any experimenting with it, you know~? It'll either make it easier or more awkward for him...though if he never sees this thread, I guess we'll never know, will we~? We'll see~ I'm not going to go and scare the guy off, once I've gotten him into bed, you know? Maybe I'm kinky, but he needs a slower exposure to it~ Sounds a lot like immersion to me~ And I still don't know why or how it took you longer to figure out how your dick worked~ One would think you'd have been a cock prodigy~ ♥ You're jerking it right now, aren't you~? As for what we will or will not get down to...well, time will tell, won't it~? Though, should I devote tome to being social or to getting laid, hmmm~? ♥
...well, if you have plans already, when's better for you? I can wait.
(ooc: Let's just say that Rin and his sister got their good looks from somewhere~ And she's aged pretty well, too....)
I wasn't asking about just lately~~♥ ...And even if Kei doesn't see this, you could also just always be honest with him once you break out the pills~~ It'd be less time for him to get used to things, but at least he wouldn't be randomly surprised by it~~ Give him time to warm up to it, then~~ ...But I think he might be interested once he gets to a certain point~~ I wasn't "immersed" because that meant I would've been constantly assaulted by it...Which I wasn't.......I simply had a father and grandfather who were completely honest with me and taught me things when they believed I needed to know~~ ...So I imagine it's because you were simply a natural~~ While I learned all my perverseness and then eventually also learned how to make use of my dick through it~~ Surprisingly enough~~? No, I'm not, for once~~ ...But I believe you're more than capable of devoting time to *both* getting laid as well as being a sociable person~~ So do try your best
( ... )
Ooooh, there you go, getting all indecently interested in my sex again~ ♥ I have to wonder how that would go over.... "Now, Kei, love, these pills will keep me from having major panic attacks and climbing the walls of the plane...however, they'll also give me a cock hard enough to hammer nails and make me want to rub myself all over you~" He'll want to take a separate flight.... We'll see...though some people might be scared at the idea of my being able to keep going for hours~ ♥ Maybe it wasn't constant, but there was enough going on that you got more than a casual exposure to it all, I'm sure~ Mmmm...alright, I can get behind the idea of being a natural at it all~ You and your dick were just a little slow to the party~ Yes, yes I am surprised~! So get on that~! Mmmm...I will try...though I think if I have the chance to get laid..... ♥
Well in that case...let's get our asses moving~! ♥ Last one there's buying the drinks after~
(ooc: Well, then I guess at least one of them had to catch one, huh?)
You should know by now that I'm *always* interested in your sex life~~♥ ....And at least he'll know the truth before you end up deciding to randomly do as much because the pills are sending your hormones into overdrive~~? Hey, I personally find myself highly impressed by that fact~~ As aside from myself, I haven't come across too many who can claim to be capable of or even interested in pulling all-nighters like that~~♥ That I can agree with, as I already know I probably knew more about sex than any other little boy had a right to know about at my age...And me and my dick weren't slow at getting there, we were just taking our time~~ There's a difference~~ And you were just simply too fast~~ Well, if you insist~~♥ ...And I know you might have the urge to pay a lot more attention to one priority over the other if you get it to happen, buuut even with your ability to go for hours, you'll still have to eventually get out of the bed~~ And at that time, you can then accomplish your other task
( ... )
It's very flattering to know that there's always someone out there who's interested in how much sex I am or am not getting~ ♥ This is true...could still scare him, though, since not everyone is into airplane molestation...including me, since I can't think of planes as anything other than flying deathtraps~ Impressed by what, my stamina with or without pills~? ♥ Not that I've tried to go all night...but multiple rounds~? Definite interest and ability for that~ ♥ You passed sex ex in your sleep, Sunshine~ And got a couple phone calls home for your comments, if I remember correctly~ ♥ I wasn't too fast at all~! Just...highly inspired~ ♥ I do insist...I need it to complete my current mental image~ ♥ we really have to get out of bed...really~? I mean, with room service, there's meals in bed and all~ ♥ So...we can try to live in bed~
Mmmm...would I do something as devious and diabolical as all that, Sunshine~? ♥ Little innocent RinRin~?
Well, my biffle's desires are very important to me~~♥ So I make sure I know all about them so that I can help him achieve his goals if possible~~♥ ...Could tell him that it'll help as a tactic to keep the stupid flight attendants away from him~~? I'm sure they'll be more likely to keep their distance from the both of you thanks to the results of the pills~~ Without the pills~~ Though I'm sure with the pills, you'll accomplish an even better record~~♥ ...Like potentially an all-nighter~~ Which are definitely lots of fun to do~~ Though if Kei's anything like Keigo, he'll probably be about dead by morning because of it~~ It wasn't my fault that I knew more about the topics at hand than the teacher did~~! ...The dude sure seemed to get offended easily by my correcting him, though....Probably wasn't getting laid or something so he got frustrated over a gradeschooler seeming to know more about sex than he did~~ ...But I still don't get why Kaa-san got so upset over that for...I got the best grade in the class~~ And it wasn't like I was
( ... )
...If you're referring to the side effect that you're going to get excessively horny and potentially also end up with an erection against your free will~~? ...Mmmm, nope~~ He wasn't joking~~ In a higher dosage, it works well as a long-lasting sleep aid...but in a lower dosage, it serves as...a long-lasting herbal Viagra~~♥ And I'm sure Ojii-san also enjoyed sharing details about how *he* personally makes use of it in his little note~~ As a result, you sometimes get the effects of the lower dosage at the higher dose as well~~ ...So have fun with that during your flight, Peaches~~♥
But I'm game for going out and doing something, though~~ ...Preferably something indoors...Because, yeah, it's fucking cold and I don't really feel like freezing my ass off...
...oh, just fucking great. Because there's nothing better than a 12-hour hard-on, right? THAT will make the flying experience more comfortable~! I was...trying to ignore that part of the note, really...would you like to come read it~? No reason I should be the only one to have all the mental images of our grandparents, you know~ And just how do you propose I have "fun" with anything during a...flight, Sunshine~? what can you think of that is both really active AND indoors~?
It wouldn't last for *that* long~~ As you'd probably start feeling lightheaded and faint-ish as a result of all your blood rushing to your nether regions the entire time if it were the case~~ However, you'll probably have to put up with it for at least four hours if you choose to ignore it~~ It honestly wouldn't bother me that much if you did show it to me...You're forgetting who you're talking to~~ I became immune to that kind of shit back when we were still kids thanks to 'Toutou-san~~ Plus some help from your own father and then Ojii-san starting to go over the lessons of the Kama Sutra once I entered middle school when they realize my libido had started to kick in...Hence why I can easily talk about Ojii-san going down on Nan~~♥There's bathrooms on airplanes~~ Go jerk off in one of them~~ It'll probably help relax you some in the process as well as get rid of that bothersome hard-on~~♥ ....Or hopefully, anyway~~
You speaking for experience there or something~? Still doesn't sound entirely comfortable, and I'm not at all sure how I'd explain it to Kei..... Fine...then you get to read the lovely note because...yeah...I can't keep this to myself~! And just...shutupshutupshutup!! You might be okay with it, but I'm really not, because she's well, Nan, and that's just...NO~! Mmmm...but it's boring, jerking off alone in an airplane bathroom~ I'd rather just ignore it and save it up for landing~ ♥
...I'm SO there~! ♥
I've tried it in the lower dosage, yes, so I *do* have a good idea of how long it'll last well the effects work~~ ...And since Kei will probably end up reading this, I think he'll at least be semi-ready for when it happens to you~~ ...This shit's awesome for when you two ever *do* get around to going at it, btw~~ If you insist~~ But I guess being the so-called pervert among the gang causes me to have higher tolerances to a lot of things~~ ...Like geriatric porn~~♥ Of course, I was also highly influenced by the male side of things, so for the most part, when Ojii-san mentions his exploits, all I'm thinking is "hey, you go, old man~~!" Then save it for then if you really want to ignore things~~ I still think it'd help you, though...And you can always pick things back up once you're on solid ground and in your hotel~~♥
When did you want to go, in that case~~?
Somehow...I am not surprised by that~ One would think someone as...mmm...virile as you wouldnt need the extra help, though...unless you really are all talk, hmm~? ♥ And reading about someone's hard-on isn't quite the same as sitting next to it on the plane, even you have to admit~ I'm thinking...I'd like to try the sex without the enhancements, first...I think, between the two of us, we can work up enough passion for that~ ♥ See, that's the slight difference between got brought up immersed in perversion, while I got brought up with a much different view of my grandmother...such as...I'll let you see the pictures and you tell me, how you feel about it~ You think jerking off helps everything, you sweet little perv~ ♥ Mmmm, you seem pretty sure that anything at all is even going to happen in the hotel room, Hiro-chan~
Right now~?
Oh, I don't need the extra help~~ But I do enjoy finding out more about the extent of my limits~~♥ ...Haven't you ever been curious about the same~~? ...Though Kei hearing about things this way should make things easier for you, as opposed to him just simply realizing you've got a spontaneous hard-on during your flight~~ So it's still helping you~~ Never said you had to try it right off the bat, and I definitely wouldn't recommend doing so anyhow.....You can accomplish plenty without it~~♥ But eventually~~? Give it a try~~ It's worth it~~ I wouldn't say *immersed*, per se~~ Just that I had a heavy understanding of things from an early age~~ ......Even if it took me longer to make use of them than it did you...That's because it does, as far as I'm concerned~~ ...Or at least for all those more pervasive needs, it does~~ So I can't say it's a bad thing to have happen~~♥ ...And I have faith, Rin~~! You two shall be on your own without the rest of us or anyone else to pester you during certain times~~ Which ( ... )
Mmmm...I haven't been curious lately, no, I have to admit. I find it helps to have a sex life before doing any experimenting with it, you know~? It'll either make it easier or more awkward for him...though if he never sees this thread, I guess we'll never know, will we~? We'll see~ I'm not going to go and scare the guy off, once I've gotten him into bed, you know? Maybe I'm kinky, but he needs a slower exposure to it~ Sounds a lot like immersion to me~ And I still don't know why or how it took you longer to figure out how your dick worked~ One would think you'd have been a cock prodigy~ ♥ You're jerking it right now, aren't you~? As for what we will or will not get down to...well, time will tell, won't it~? Though, should I devote tome to being social or to getting laid, hmmm~? ♥
...well, if you have plans already, when's better for you? I can wait.
(ooc: Let's just say that Rin and his sister got their good looks from somewhere~ And she's aged pretty well, too....)
Well in that case...let's get our asses moving~! ♥ Last one there's buying the drinks after~
(ooc: Well, then I guess at least one of them had to catch one, huh?)
Mmmm...would I do something as devious and diabolical as all that, Sunshine~? ♥ Little innocent RinRin~?
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