A plethora of posting points~

Sep 13, 2010 11:12

Ninja Warrior on Saturday was fucking awesome!!! Yeah, so I wiped out like, right away on the 3rd stage. I don't care~ I got to run it, got to watch Shishi run it, and now we have the course's number~ Geez, though...I never knew I had fangirl--fanboy?--tendencies before, though, because...Nagano~! And Takeda~! And Yammamoto~! It was just a roster of awesome, and I got to talk to them!! At least I didn't act like an idiot at the time...I don't think.... Please tell me I didn't, Shishi~ And I still think Nagano and Takeda are having a secret affair~

My muse seems to be on its way back. Not perfectly, of course, but...I was able to start something special, and I'm pleased with the progress so far~ I just hope it'll be done in time....

Oh, and so people know? Bane and I had a...talk, today, and...I think we're okay again....

I'm thinking about the future...trying to decide how much I want to broaden horizons. I've talked to Kei, and he says he'll wait, no matter where I go, I just...well, I'm selfish and don't really want to leave the people I love, for any amount of time~

Speaking of people I love, though...I got an...interesting email from home. Did you get the same email, Kei? Concerning a certain event in October? They were serious....

Apparently...Kei's and my folks were SERIOUS about throwing us an engagement party, even though neither of us have proposed.... Anyway~ October 16th, in Okinawa, of course. You're all invited, and, of course, significant others are invited if only because Hiroshi would sulk if it was said otherwise~ You can find out how a real Okinawa party goes~

ninja warrior, shishi, future plans, family, sea god, hiro-chan, higa, yamabuki, fanboy, found muse, kei, friends

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