I shouldn't be doing this, but since Kei's in the shower, and I'm trying to be a good boy and NOT join him where he's hot, wet, naked...alright, derailing that train of thought NOW! jumping on Shinji's meme bandwagon is slightly distracting~ So
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2. Always~~
3. Over 13 years now, I think...?
4. On my first day of grade school...You told me I was too quiet and it was creepy...I told you that you were too nosy and to shut your face.......And then the teacher called our parents after we got into a fight over it...
5. ....That you were an obnoxious prick...
6. No, now it's the opposite~~♥
7. The people you love...and your own insecurities...
8. I imagine you could if you wanted to eventually...I'm monopolizing the role of best man if that does end up being the case at some point...
9. The people you love and your hobbies....and your caffeine fix, naturally~~
10. Things that negatively affect the last response...And thinking about past regrets...
11. Lots of things...Everyday I see something or think of something that reminds me of you...
12. Whatever you needed to make you happy...and some spare self-confidence for you to use on days like today...
13. Probably better than anyone else...
14. Earlier this week...
15. .........We've already dealt with that situation...
16. ...If you felt someone was honestly deserving of it...then yes...
17. I have too many words I could use to describe you, so I can't use just one...
18. Always stronger~~
19. Yes
20. Maaaayyyybe...
...Also...calm down...You're going to do fine, just like I keep telling you...And if your nerves keep bothering you, then do something to take your mind off of it for a while......Like pouncing Kei, since you want to so badly~~
3. Only 13? Seems like longer~
4. Ahh, young love~ ♥
8. If it ever happens, you know that's where you'll be~
9. Need coffee....
12. Me? need confidence?
13. You do~
15. Yeah...I think that's pretty well mostly dealt with....
17. Pick one~
20. You better~!
I can't pounce Kei! We're not at that stage yet! We JUST managed to be naked in the same room....
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