How could I have left my dear, sweet, YuuYuu~chan out of the lovefest~? I'll have to put together one for Hirochu, too, in a couple days.... He has many sides, that can only be captured on film, so pay attention~! I present to you...
"Kai Yuujirou: Made of Awesome"
Why is he so awesome? Well, for one, he loves animals:
You could probably talk him into doing actual cosplay without much trouble~
He's very helpful (when he wants to be)
And brave, too~! I mean, have any of you seen Eishi drive??
He's a good hugger, too~
Sadly, he does also share our love of girly hair accessories....
He can even make gouya look good~!
The most compelling reasons, though?
How good he looks both with the Hat of Doom....
And without~!