
Oct 24, 2010 11:44


It's obvious by now. People do not like that game. I've read the patch notes. I've read about the EXTRA 30 free days they're tacking on. (Pretty much unheard of in the industry.) Rest assured that heads are rolling over there at Square-Enix. This game...should not have been implemented this poorly. It simply should not have been and I blame greed along with poor decision making of how they wanted this game to be. The fact that they rushed this game to get it out into the market before Cataclysm (of which I can not be told any different) is sickening given the state it was in when they jammed their foot on the accelerator and shouted "WE CAN DO THIS!" They would have been better off working at it another 6 months and making Spring 2011.

While I do regret buying it, I'm not broken up about it. Today is the first day I went and read about how the game has been fairing and the reviews (which I always take with a large grain of salt) but to see and read it all is just amazing. The amount of fail is just...awe inspiring. One dude said that the PC gamers are the beta testers for the upcoming PS3 gamers. Cute, a bit off the mark, but I can see how people feel that way. I'm still just trying to wrap my head around the market system or lack thereof and the fact that they actually, barring leves, want you to beat on hundreds of jelly fish for a level. Then do it again for another level, then do it again for another before moving on to rams and rinsing and repeating. I've said it before, I'd rather be bullshitted into my jellyfish genocide with shit like "The Jellyfish Killed My Brother! Avenge Him!" and "Peanut Butter And Jellyfish." quests where I kill 20 of the bastards or kill them for 10 drops of theirs. This isn't just 'Oh, they do that in WoW.' it's any MMO. There needs to be quests, ffs. It just feels so sloppy and lazy to get done with your main mission quests, done with your leves for 36 hours and then stand there in town and say "Wellllp, better go grind me up some mobs." No NPC interaction. No witty (or even Fail) quest dialogue. No non-level 'Group' quests. No instanced dungeons to run. (And City Of XXXX made it even better with their quests being all instanced so that some gold farmer fuck or your competition wasn't out their killing 'your' mobs. 'Your' mobs where always there waiting for you.)

Oh well.

Been doing a bit of this a bit of that while waiting for Cataclysm in early Dec. I'm sure that should be a hoot on day 1. Lots of people going to be crammed in Hyjal... I know I'm not rolling a new character until my 3 plate 80s are 85. (At least that's the plan.) Though, I will, as with Draenei play Goblin (*shudder* *punt*) and Worgen starting zones. Christ there's going to be a lot of Worgen. As I suspected, most everything I've read about Cat has me giving a raised eyebrow of "Orly?" and I'll be back late Nov or earlier. Especially since for the first expansion ever I'd like to take part in the starting off events of the expansion like those elemental attacks they're planning and etc. (I didn't give a fuck about freeing The Echo Isles for the Trolls, which is gone anyway, I understand. That was just running down there with 40 other people and zerging Zalazane with some dialogue I've already heard and read.)

I thought about turning Akumu into a Blood Elf fem Warrior and Bethwyn into a Tauren male Paladin, but have decided against that. It's a lot of money to have a 'cute' Blood Elf chick dual wielding 2h weapons and charging around all over the joint. I don't feel like doing cute/sexy ass kicker any more than I already have. Besdies, Akumu just looks too badass and while I do have too many Blood Elf chicks (tsk tsk) I did so for the sake of sentimentality with Cessily and Llewelyn.

I took a look at DC Universe Online. Christ on a pogo stick there's a game that looks like they spent 4/5ths of their budget on the opening cinematic. I like comic book games and was at least willing to try Chumpions, but that DC shit just looks HORRID. (Animations/attacks/running I mean.)

That's all I got, for now.
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