FFXIV Beta ongoing...

Sep 12, 2010 17:44

Just did my leve quests for the day. You can only do them every so often as the game allows. 4 quests every 48 hours. (Which isn't much, really. Pretty sure it's in place to slow down leveling at that start of this game.) To go further there's main arc missions. (Haven't done yet.) Grinding. (Haven't done yet.) and another thing or two I may be missing. Combat wise, as to be expected, it's much more engaging than FFXI. There is no auto attack, so every attack you want to make, you have to do yourself. The controls take some getting used to as I'm so used to CoV or even WoW. It'll be a day or 2 before they set in on me and my hands are scrambling all over the keyboard looking for what I want to do.

Good news. Monks are no longer a punch punch, wait 4 seconds, punch punch, wait four seconds class. I still only have default attack but she hits 4 times per 'Heavy Strike' with, as be expected, combat grunts. (Good to hear.) When you hit up the huge crystal sitting in the middle of the town you 'talk' it it to activate the leve quest you got off of an NPC in town. Upon activating the quest you get mobs, that I'm guessing, only show up to you/whoever's in your party. You defeat these mobs on the selected difficulty from the crystal (Solo-Band-Group-Party-Legion) or something like that. Depending on the size of your group you get an xp bonus. (Though, I've heard it's not enough and needs to be adjusted.) After defeating the quest mobs that are generally highlighted on your map, the radius of them, anyway (though they may not all be in that one spot, you may have to run to a few different spots.) then a 'not-so-big' crystal pops up and asks you if you want to teleport back to town, stay where you with the crystal disappearing or stay where you are and have the crystal stick around for a moment. Upon teleporting back to town your sell off your junk, fire up another quest and repeat. It's all very simple once you get the hang of it.

As to be expected the graphics are nice. The bump mapping/shaders/shadows and all of the goodies are noticed. (More so if you have a card that's not straining on this eye candy of a game.) Ping was good, little lag, no noticed bugs, lots of noticed dumbasses with names that are instead of  Joe  Blow decided to go with Dark Vengeance/Forgotten Silence/Evil Ryu etc. Good to see the morons are still around. While we're on the name game, as expected from a FF game, there are lots of Japanese named characters. I am, of course, guilty of this myself in the past with on single names. However, I just can't bring myself to do that in games with a surname. To each his own, and while Fireheart (her last name) isn't exactly some stroke of genius I gotta rank it above

Ah well. Will explore more later. Pretty fun rolling with something completely and totally new for awhile.
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