Mar 16, 2010 02:57
On the 18th of last year I quit the game for a short time. I don't plan on repeating that as I still have things I want to do. They are as thus... (All realistic within a month or 2, nothing like 'Down the Lich King in my pickup groups' That Hellscream's Warsong could be set to 200% and these chuckleheads will still find a way to screw the pooch.)
In no particular order:
-Deathbringer's Will for Akumu (Best dps trinket in the game. Bar none.)
-More tanking gear for Bethwyn. (Mostly vendor shit bought with frosts. I have less competition rolling on gear as a tank, but I still don't like /rand [Most notably a necklace and weapons, though I love the look of her current weapon and hate the look of the next logical upgrade...])
-Better DPS gear for Nekir (See Bethwyn)
-Mechano-hog for Akumu and Nekir (Orc males look badass riding those things. I can make my own, but 14k is 14k. That's assuming I make my own Titansteel)
-Get Red Proto for Beth (need 6 achievements) and Akumu (needs 2)
-Clear all Vanilla and TBC 5mans on Bethwyn.
-Coax Nekir back into game and Aegis's friend to 80 a bit quicker so we can group some. Then we'd just needing 1 DPS (or healer, if he stays Shadow) really cuts down on the idiocy factor and I think a lot of at least MODERATELY interesting times can be had. Clearing out old raids would be just gravy.
Now on to ranting...
Gearscore. I dislike you, but I understand that you're 'necessary' in order for the lazy or ignorant to gauge the viability of a person's character in accordance with current content. People. I hate you. The way you use that addon as a measure of someone's self-worth is just amazing. I pug everything, and if I had a nickel for every time I heard the word Gearscore and a dollar for every time it was used in a competitive manner I could fill this room I'm in with greenbacks and coins then swim around in the bastard like Scrooge McDuck. "Oh ho ho! Hey Nicky that upgrade just put me at 15 more Gearscore than you!" says the guy who just wiped the fucking raid in one of his all to oft moments of brilliance. One girl said she'd only fuck a guy if he has over a 5700 Gearscore. (Which left everyone in the 10 man raid silent except for one guy saying 'I guess Akumu's getting laid tonight.' and another saying 'With a GS that high it'll probably be the first time.' and another asking me if I knew which hole to stick it in and everyone just having a ripping good old time at my expense.) I know it was a joke...and treated it as such. The point is that getting people constantly mentioning it like a right of passage irks me. I busted my butt to get Akumu to where I like him and did it all UNGUILDED (those little stints in Guild A or Guild B amounted to shit as I never got anything but eye rolls from the places). I'm currently busting my butt to get Bethwyn where I like her, except that tanks can actually have a reputation for being really good (much like healers. Where as a DPS is based much more off of his gear than skill.)
Gearscore is a tool being used improperly. Personally, if I invented the addon I'd be hanging my head low knowing that I created a tool that too many damn people use as a means to judge others. Much like "What's your HP?" that tanks get too often for pugs. Now, I can dig that you want to have some good HP for ICC. Festergut with 3 inhales hits like a fucking truck and I simply don't, at all, like wondering "Am I going to dodge/parry this next attack?" I especially don't worry about avoidance with the healers and their unlimited mana pools...but these chump raid leaders aren't saying no due to lower HP. They're saying "No." because they want you to outgear the damned instance. Therein lies the problem I have with this game. To raid I pick an evil. Guilds full of brain dead jackoffs spewing dick and fart jokes while constantly insisting, frighteningly so, about how often they get laid OR pugs with raid leaders that seem to never have a middle ground. There's a few types that I have noticed for the latter.
-Raid leader that wants you to send them a tell with achievements, gearscore, penis length, social security number and A/S/L.
-Raid leader that is grossly under geared for the instance and figures since he's forming the raid everyone else should turn a blind eye to his gear, despite the fact that no matter how good he is there are simply some instances you should not be tanking/healing/dps'ing in.
-Raid leader that is anti-gearscore to the point that he invites fresh 80s to his runs and the raid ends up plotting along like we're walking through mud....ON TRASH, then wipes on one try and the group disbands out of disgust.
-Raid leader that doesn't seem to realize that we're done. Well, we've wiped on Marrowgar 6 times, Charlie. I dunno, maybe it's time to call it? NOPE NOPE! This dude's going to replace the 12 people of the 25 man that just left!
-^His opposite. Raid leader that drops group...after a wipe. Or any person after one single wipe. I've seen my pugs get a mob to 2% and something just...fuck up. We wipe and 2-5 people leave. What the fuck is it with these clowns? They can't take single wipe when the boss has low HP? Now, if it was at 80% and it was obvious some people just had their heads up their asses, sure.
-Raid leader that tells me how to play my class (or what item is good for my class)...and is wrong. Dick head raid leader says that an +Agi +STA +AP +Crit +ArP item isn't good for Warriors because they don't use AGI. BLOW ME, YOU IGNORANT TURD! Take your ass over to EJ or download Landsoul's spreadsheet or even *gasp* do that math yourself to see (And you can blame Blizzard for that one, with their SELF-ADMITTED shotty itemization on STR plate.)
And as for the guilds. I joined another 2 weeks ago because we kicked the shit out of ICC10 up to Professor Putricide. (6 bosses down, no wipes...not even a damn hiccup, until some dude had to leave.) So, right in the raid I get a guild charter stuffed in my face. I shrug and sign. Two weeks later I see that it's just the same as every...other...stinking...guild...I' (Except the elite raiding guild I left because they lied and said they needed a Arms & Fury Warrior when they really only needed Arms.) Dumbass jokes, dumbass gearscore competitions, dumbass people saying dumbass things...over and oVeR and OVeR aNd OVER AND OVER AND OVER. Folks, I'm not expecting a conversation with philosophers here. You don't log into fucking World of Warcraft expecting a sit down with the reincarnation of Frederick Nietzsche. So that's that with guilds. I don't even fall for the 'mature raiding guild' bullshit. I simply can't trust to that. I need to face facts. I'm just not a people person. I haven't been my entire life and damn sure can't expect to be on the internet where people are assholea 'just because'. Thus you can imagine the gratification I get from the little things if I'm so willing to put up with people shit. I must REALLY like this game, be really bored, or be some sort of masochist. Perhaps a bit of each.
PS The girls in the pugs that like to be 'one of the guys' and talk about stupid shit and tell dumbass jokes and throw their femininity around like a fucking frisbee? (Tits this. Puss that. etc) Stop it, please. I, probably wrongly so, tend to hold women to a higher standard. These dumbasses aren't helping with 10 "Oh my god" comments in a 45 second period of nothing happening. Curses along the lines of "Suck my tits." and belching into the microphone. (That belching one was a real Southern belle, I can tell you that. Alabama, where she happily stated she was from, surely must be proud of her.) Stop imitating the worst behavior of men! What are you? A fucking dog? You can have personality and be fun to be around 'with the guys' without BEING 'one of the guys'. No one's saying to be a meek little Japanese girl like back in the Samurai era full of small nods and hushed spoken "Arigatou Gozaimasu" but being a loud obnoxious ass is not 'being a guy' it's....being a loud obnoxious ass.
PPS One thing I've noticed about these elitist raiding FUCKS. (You can tell just by a quick inspection and seeing all 264+ gear or...if you're running it Gearscore.) Why do so few reply to me? I just got out of a Noth the Plaguebringer weekly and teased a fellow Warrior about wanting his trinket. No reply. Asked what's up? No reply, all this time he's still targeting me... Completed weekly, that I practically tanked because the tank sucked so damn bad [had Noth chasing me around the room with 3 people in /ra saying "TAUNT"] and said basically "Grats on the nice gear, not sure what I did to you to be ignored. Have a good one and don't bother replying...again." and logged. This dude isn't the first person like this...he's probably about #8 with dozens more if you count the heroic daily where elite raider boy has to 'slum it' and drops group the. very. second. the boss tips over. (It's NEVER some guy in 219/232 gear peacing out the second the boss drops, it's always 264+ boy) What is it with these fucks? You're doing hardmodes in ICC, what do you want? A fucking blowjob/muff dive when you log on? The real kick in the dick (or puss) is when my 'lowly' Warrior out damages them in said heroic...and I know it bothers them because they keep inspecting me. (Warriors eat heroics. 3-4 mobs? Yum! No so hot on single target dmg, though.) If I ever got to the point where I ignore someone who's lesser geared than me just BECAUSE they're lesser geared than me, well then valued reader, I want you to shoot me in the fucking face. Upon suspicion of said behavior I will give you my home address.