May 02, 2005 10:55
So Saturday was a bad day for me... a very bad day... as it turns out... I went into work and I was short staffed.. very short staffed... not to mention my closer (even though he closed once already) Didn't know anything about closing... (Side note: I am not really paying attention to grammar or paragraphing in this post) So nothing was done.. On top of that , I get out to my car to find that I apparently slammed my door on the seatbelt so it didn't close and the dome light killed my battery. So.. I called home, and while waiting for my little brother, I heard a siren going off... my first thought was about how crazy the drivers are on the strip on weekend nights and that Ihope my brother was okay.. Well.. anyways, he was.. Got home.. and then I foound out what the Siren actually was... turns out my Sister got in the car with her drunk boyfriend (He blew a 2.7 on a breathilzer (SP?)) Yep.. that's right... very drunk.. well, turrns out he was blazin' down the road too fast and too drunk.. hit a trailer on my sister's side... she wasn't expected to live to the hospital.. but she did... then she wasn't expected to live the med flight to U.W. Hospital.. she did again... however, she is completely messed up.... her face was smashed... she is getting reconstructive surgery done now... she is probably blind in one eye.. they aren't sure if her leg is broken yet... and... today and tomorrow are the worst days... if she is going to pass away it's going to be on one of these days.. They say these are the hardest days because the brain is going to start to swell... It doesn't really look all that promising... but I guess I can just hope for the best... -_-
So now you all know, and I don't need to explain to everyone individually... But yea.. work time now... bye.